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myOtaku.com: Hollow

Sunday, September 26, 2004

My Pathetic South Park Comics...
I said South Park Comics... But not yet. I was playing the Emogame last night and they insulted NICKELBACK! And I said, 'I'm going to kill all of my dudes 'cause they made fun of Chad...' And I freakin' killed Creed... Er... Alter Bridge... But, they made fun of Chad's voice AND THAT'S WHERE THEY DRAW THE LINE! I think Chad's voice is beatiful and... fantastic. SO HAHAHA STUPID EMOGAME! HA!

Well, my South park Comics... theOtaku won't accept them so... I'll post them. They're really crappy though... I can't draw South Park!

My Dad calling me a Fart Sniffer... He does call me a Fart Sniffer and I call him Johnny Poo Poo Pants.

Dad having a Hair Fantasy... He just actually had one yesterday... My Dad looks like Stan's Dad...

This was at the time when I woke up at 4:00 AM and couldn't get back to sleep 'cause I saw a ghost... Or was it an Alien? I forget...

Camping with my cousins... My worst nightmare.

Stephanie and RETARDO'S Wedding (Retardo is actually Madardo... But I like calling him Retardo)...

I told you they were crappy!

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