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• 1986-09-14
• in myself in which no one there ever hurts me
Member Since
• 2006-05-26
Real Name
• Jasie
• Surviving one day at a time.
Anime Fan Since
• The first time I ever seen one of Hayao Miyazaki's movies and other Studio Ghibli ones I fell inlove!!! I just started watching anime, movies and reading manga ever since then...
Favorite Anime
• NARUTO!!! ^^ Trinity Blood, Bleach, Gunslinger Girl, Elfen Lied, FMA, Howl's moving castle, witch hunter robin, Inuyasha, samurai 7, samurai champloo, Rurouni Kenshin, spirited away, vampire hunter D, princess Mononoke, blood: the last vampire, and many
• To Never change into something or someone I REALLY am not, to just be my self.
• hanging out by myself, chatting, writing stories, poems, and on occassions I read in my dark room with only a single lamp shining through it's darkness.
• playing several instruments, making people laugh, and hiding my true feeling from everyone around me with my "so called" MASK.
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
memories consume are minds and casts a dark cloak over are lights...
Yeah guys!!! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!! that's the happy news....... now here's the bad/sad news!!! I'm leaving for SURE!!! this firday!!! my mom bought the ticket on-line last night so it's official!!! I still haven't packed yet and I'm stuck on missing all you guys!!! well lets get to happy things in my post today!!! LIKE...THE.
and I finished my second chapter of my story!!! and it's really good... maybe to me!!! but here it is and I'm so sorry it took me so long to write it I really like the way it turned out too!!!enjoy and don't be so harsh in telling me how and what you think about it!!! I'll see ya at the end!!! bye..... and I don't have a title!!! sorry...
As night faded and the orange blood stained moon fell below the tree's and the beautiful green mountain... She gazed out there and wondered if what all happened was all a dream or reality... she still couldn't believe it, what had all happened, the scenario of that night kept replaying in her mind... the blood and the cold stiff body lying dead on the ground... her running with that strange man... and the mysterious stranger that helped her flee and hind from the... well lets just call them wolf people... she tried to push all that had happened, more that and any other thing out of her mind...the wind still blew and the temperatures were dropping...
Her I'm freezing!!! [rubs shoulders with her hands and then rubs hands together while blowing her warm hot breath on them]
Her Why is it so cold?!?
Her mind ached and she had a terrible head ache!!! images kept flashing in her mind but she didn't know who they were or what it meant... people screaming, calling for help... yelling for someone to help them and for loved ones to run... fire and flames in golfed houses and burned people alive... the cries and screams they gave off where overbearing and THEY JUST WOULDN'T STOP...
she put her hands on her head and tried to push the screams, cries, and images away while rocking back and forth...
Owen Are you Okay?!? what's wrong?!?
she froze and slowly dropped her hands and looked at him... his eyes were caring and filled with mystery and wonder... along with a sadness far off in them...
Owen did you hear me?!?
she snapped out of it and shook her head a bit...
Her I'm fine... I'm just not feeling quite well that's all...
he looked at her suspicious and wondered what she was hiding...
Owen Are you sure?!?
Her Yeah, I'm fine... don't worry about me... I'm just feeling under the weather right now... not to mention I'm freezing cold...
she looked away... away from his eyes... that were pleading for answers and filling with doubt and worry...
Owen well let me get you down from their and we'll can get going... By the way what's your name?!?
Her aren't you going to tell me yours first!!!
Owen Oh, I get it... alright I suppose I can go first...
he looks at her more suspiciously... and wonders why she asked him to go first... He paused for a moment before saying his name...
Owen... I'm Owen... [he reaches out his hand when he says it]
she looks down and then back at him...
Her ...... [she opens her mouth to say her name and... she can't even remember ever having a name]
the look on her face gave Owen doubt and thought at she was stalling in giving him her name... like as if she had trouble with the law or cops and didn't wasn't him to turn her in... then Owen looks at her once more and then remembers what Aaron said...We heard their were two lost humans in the forest and stared tracking them and then we found out it was a female and an older male... but we had smelled a faint scent of blood... we just assumed it was her that was injured and we thought it might be coming from her... and that she was injured in some type of way and... he looked back at her and she was confused and concentrating really hard...
Owen You don't remember do you?!?
Her What's wrong with me?!? I have a name... everyone does!!! why can't I JUST remember it?!?
Owen What do you remember last?!? I mean what's the last thing you remember?!?
Her Running in the woods with some guy and then meeting you...
Owen Thats it?!? are you sure!!!
Her Yeah... I've been thinking, wondering, remembering and asking myself if what just happened was real and I keep having these images pop into my head!!!
Owen Images of what?!?
Her It doesn't matter and I don't really trust you at the moment... SORRY, but It's the truth!!!
their was a look of disappointment in his eyes and then her stretched out his hands to grab her to help her down...
Owen Come on... we have to move... and find a place to stay out of reach and smelling distance of...
He looked at her... her eyes gave off an Ora of mixed intentions and meanings... and wonder as if he was implying something else...
OwenI'm NOT, going to hurt you... I promise!!! you can trust me!!!
Her I trust you... I'm just sort of suspicious of your motives and I'm cautious of how you think...
Owen What are you implying here?!?
Her I'm saying I'm here alone and a woma...
Owen I would NEVER... never take advantage of you!!!
His eyes flared up with anger and disappointment of her accusing him of something like that... he looked away and dropped his hands suddenly... he faced her but his head was dropped and he faced the ground...
Her ...I...I...
Her I'm sorry... I didn't mean to...
Owen You made yourself perfectly clear that I'm like them... savages with only one thing in mind... to take a woman to ravage, have fun with, and then dispose of her when I'm done...
Her I... I...
Owen You what!!! your sorry and didn't mean for it to come out that way!!! what!!! tell me!!!
Her What am I suppose to think OWEN... after what all happened and you wanting to help me... I don't get it!!! WHY, why would you do something stupid and dangerous in simply helping me!!! I'm not even your kind!!! WHY?!? Tell me...
Her What do you see in me that's worth saving and risking yourself to help!!! I'm a nobody who can't even remember her own name!!! I'm not worth the aggravation and risk in helping!!! Just leave me be and go on your own way!!! I'm nothing to you but a killing machine that kills your kind!!! so leave me and go!!! GO!!!!!!!!
He looked at her... he just looked at her and wondered why she felt that way and no matter what she said he couldn't, he couldn't just leave her...
Owen Why do you say such things like that?!? you matter, your alive and living aren't you?!? and never mind that I might be risking something!!! it's mine to risk not yours!!! so if I want to risk it all in saving you then you better try your ASS off in making sure you survive this ordeal!!!
he's eyes glowed as he yelled at her and they were beautiful!!! she was staring at them the whole time... A beautiful lavender-purple with a hint of dark green in them...
she looked away and bam like if a rock hit her in the head... A memory came to her in a loving womans voice and of a small young girl... [Sweetie, why are you crying?!? you risk so much for me momma and you never let that stop or prevent that reason from stopping you... Why momma, what makes me so important to risk you life in making sure we have food, clothes, and a roof over are heads!!! it's not worth it momma!!! I'm not worth it!!! Hush, hush now sweetie... you know it's only you and me now sweet heart and we have to make it through and survive!!! For your poppa and little brother's sake!!! But why, momma?!? They risked their lives too... and there dead now, because of us, because we couldn't save them and live a normal life without hardship and labor!!! It's not fare... *sobs and weeps* It's not fare... I know sweet heart but we owe it to both of them to try and make it throughout the tough times... there'll always be hardship for us sweet heart but we have to look at it as a blessing that hope and salvation will soon be on it's way to us!!! you'll see sweetie, you'll see!!! *the voices drift away from her*] Tears swiftly fall from her eyes and cheek as they land on Owen's outstretched hand... she places her hands over her eyes and weep for them... the mother and the young girl sitting alone in a alleyway full of rotten food and broken shattered glass on the ground beside them... their only shelter from the rain above them was a huge wooden box that they barely fitted it...
she didn't hear Owen climb up the tree and sit next to her... her slowly pulled her hands away from her hidden face and began wiping the tears away...
Owen I'm sorry!!! I didn't mean to make you cry...
he noticed her eyes color just then... and just stared at them... they were a blueish green... he looked in the depth of them trying to look of answers but fond only pain and sadness within them... she looked away and closed her eyes shut...
Owen Why are you hiding from me?!? both your eyes and your emotions?!?
Her Because their mine to hold... my burden and pain to keep!!!
He slowly began turning her face towards his...
Owen Their NOT meant to hurt you... and cause so much pain, anguish, and sorrow!!!
Her How do you know?!? how do you know that their not suppose to cause that?!? huh?!? You don't even know how or what I feel!!! you just sense pain and sorrow... and you think you can wipe it away!!! You don't feel it, my pain... it'll still be their no matter who many tears you wipe away!!! it'll never leave me or go away... It's my burden and feeling to bare... and I'll face it with open arms!!!
she stared to climb down and he stopped her by grabbing her arm!!!
Owen Do you think it'll go away!!! do you honestly think you can fight and believe the pain will fade!!!
Her Why do you care?!?
Owen It won't you know!!! the pain... it'll eat at you and eat at you till you want to escape that feeling and run or end it... end it by taking that last and final plunge and your at the end of your ropes...
Her What are you saying?!?
Owen Kill... or commit suicide as a last act of trying to escape the pain...
she pried her arm free and got down...she turned her back to him and that's when he saw the blood... he froze inside and rushed down in a jump to see the gash on the back of her head...
HerOUCH!!! what are you doing?!?
Owen Your bleeding and I'm checking out the wound to see if it'll need stitches or just a bandage on it!!!
Her What wound?!?
he touched her gash and images and memories rushed into her mind... it was to much for her to take and she fell to her knees applying pressure to her forehead with her hand... all the while her head pulsed and throbbed made her move her head side to side and back and forth...
Owen What's wrong?!? what's the matter?!?
the only answer or sound her got from her was inhaling and exhaling heavily with sharp and quick breathing...
she reached out with her other hand and he grabbed it...
Owen Talk to me!!! say something!!! COME ON...
Her No mommy, no... their coming!!! I'll distract them... don't leave me!!!
she started weeping... and calling out for her mother... Owen without thinking knelled beside her grabbed her and held her in his arms calling out to her to come back... she started shacking rapidly and violently... like something was scaring her to death... he shook her and tried his best to get her back but she just kept on talking to herself, shacking, and grabbing at her head as if something was eating the insides of it and she couldn't get it out... she didn't want to do this but he slapped her... twice in the face and everything stopped... the shacking, talking, and the weeping sounds... her hand fell but her eyes were closed... tears rapidly fell from her eyes and cheek... they fell to the ground with a thump... he knelled their in shock and stared at her... she got up, her eyes still closed and walked a few spaces and screamed!!!
she fell once more to the ground but got in the fetal position and cried... she held herself and cried!!!
Owen got up picked her up and carried her away!!! she still held her eyes shut and her face stung from where he had hit her twice... he didn't touch her other then carry her... she cradled herself into his arms and weeped on his shirt... she brushed her face against his t-shirt she opened her eyes and said two word to him before she drifted asleep...
Her Thank you...
he looked upon her face with tear strikes on her cheek and felt a pull at his heart... he had smacked her, yelled at her and her reply was thank you!!! and she now finally trusted him, felt safe with him and took comfort from him... and he wanted to wipe all her tears away and shield her from every pain and feeling she would ever feel again... Owen then realized as he gazed at her... he was falling in love with her and he looked away... and he hated himself for that, but he knew in his heart that he couldn't love her and give her a life of love... he was a lone wolf who could never love and be loved for what he truly was and is inside... a monster awakened by the call of the moon... a man shadowed inside and loved only by the light of the forsaken moon......... and he too, would be forsaken... to all who came across him and ever known him...
End of chapter two
so what did you think?!? it could have been better huh?!? :)
well I got to go if I don't visit your sites today blame my sis b/c she's trying to fix her e-cards she's sending to her friends and believe me!!! she has a LOT!!!!!!!!!!
and try to be safe okay!!! no blowing off your hands and arms firing fireworks!!! lol... *I hope I don't* I'll be sitting alone in the dark watching the fireworks from the driveway sitting on the tail-gate of a truck... oh, the schools a mile from my house and every year they shoot of fireworks!!! and lately, I know this might sound strange but I've been seeing things outside in the dark... little things and sounds!!! and once I seen something flash by... g2g cya...
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