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myOtaku.com: hollowedthoughts

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Hate,Saddness,and even Happiness... To be able to share it with another person... From fighting with him... I learned that.
He knew pain like I did.And then,he taught me that you can change that path.
I wish one day,that I can be needed by someone. Not as a fighting weapon.
But as the Sand's Kazekage.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007


Ninja Quiz by relmege
Primary WeaponLong Sword
Throwing WeaponBoomerang
ElementalWind Element
Special SkillTransforming
WeaknessMental Attacks
ClothingDark Jumpsuit
HairSpiked, Gray
EyesByakugan(improved vision)
Defense8 (Very Good)

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

im tired confused and all of the sorts today and it sucks well g2g leave a message after ya get here lol
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Thursday, January 4, 2007

hey been awhile since i put a post on me but hey its been a all time coming

my name is David if ya didnt know that already but hey im 5'9 blue green eyes brown/blonde hair i like evil,evil things,black,red,dark colors and such, my best friend on here is hornylovegod (dont ask) school sucks and such but this is my last year at school so yea im loving it so much *evil grin* if you havent already sign my GB cause hey i like the love of ppl who love my site lol well cya guys later and stuff got work to do plus maplystory rocks even if its 2d online game

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