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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Soi Fon

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The concert is over! And I am very relieved! I asked Mrs>barnes if I got quiet enough and she said I did fabulously. I`m proud! Arrogant and silly.....but still proud. I`m glad I blended. *victory dances* I don`t care if I`m letting my "Inner Cassie" out. I`m so psyched for a fresh start in choir!!!!!!!!!!!

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   Singin` in the club!
Soi Fon

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At manga club we had so much fun!!!! OMG! I`m still so freakin` hyper from it!!!!!! And yet again we got absolutely no wrok done on our comix. But still we had tons of fun! I`m bringing Shakugan no Shana to watch next time. Even waiting for midnighetrdes8`s mom to pick us up was fun! Quote from my friend Jeran: "All we need is rain and a puddle and we could be all "I`m singin` in the rain!"
I even sang at manga club. Me and Sammi were singing funny songs and stuff. UzumakiKitai even sang too!!!! She sang "Ninja of the Night".
It was hilarious!!!!!!

Buy the way my Choir concert is today. Wish me luck!

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Lots of shtuffles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soi Fon

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1. In choir today my teachger told me to stay after class. She told me she admired my enthuasism but she could hear me over all the other altos. She politely told me to try to tone it down. AND I WAS FREAKIN` PROUD!!!!! I used to think I was too quiet so I`m proud.

2.We were allowed to swear in health toda! Whoot! Apparently I`d be commonly stereotyped as an "Anime freak".

3.Me and Lily wore the same Gir t-shirt today.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Quiz thingies
Soi Fon

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You as a anime girl #2 by ayane isozaki
Name or anime name
Favorite color
Your sister/brother

What Kind Of Magical Anime Girl Are You?(Pretty Anime Pics!) by goddessgirl
Fav. Weapon
magical abilityteleport

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The wedding singer!
Soi Fon

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Last night me and my family were watchung the Wedding singer and it was hilarious! The old people were so crazy!!!! XD
But it also remained sweet and touching. I think me and mom "awwww"-ed the most. It`s kinda embarassing.lol.

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pic. Puck. Oy! Yoy! Yoy!
Soi Fon

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I have a new pic up. midnighterdes8 requested it. It`s just fairy boy inverted. My mom came up with a name for him: Puck. I call him "Pukkun" though~! It`s a variant of Puck-kun. It`s just easier to spell for me too..........

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Posting Posting Posting Post Post Post Time...........
Soi Fon

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Okay. Way random. By the way today I`m gonn look at houses and apartment buildings with my dad. I`ll try and make him laff. We`re silly people so I think I will. It`ll proably help too. ^^

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Friday, November 24, 2006

So close!!!!!!!!!! TT
Soi Fon

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Thanx 4 you all trying to make me feel better! It really helped alot by the way! I`m very lucky to have good friends like you guys.

I`m also thankful I finished KageTora volume 3 too! But OMG, every few minutes I was like Oh,sooooooo close! I need to see Yuki and KageTora finally kiss sometime! They keep getting so close it`s driving me insane!!!!!!!!! I bet Tora-kun feels the same way too. lol.

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Why can`t we just settle in..........
Soi Fon

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I`m sorry I`m even sadder now. Dang, I can`t believe I`m feeling worse now. I just found out my Grandparents`(on my mom`s side) is sick and will die soon. I know she`s 16 but still........she meant alot to me. And everyone else.

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Mixed moods-Whhoooo! I can actually post
Soi Fon

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Bwah! I can actually post from my hotel! I thought I couldn`t before so that`s pretty good though I won`t spend every waking moment here like usual. I have to see my reltives I`m glad most of them live here though.
I`m happy I can post but I`m also a little depressed.......
I already told Orochimaru-sama-X but now I feel I should tell you guys:
My parents are getting divorced. They just told me and stuff. So, I`m a tad out of it.

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