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myOtaku.com: Homsar88

Friday, January 26, 2007

Don't be drinkin' the Haterade!
Soi Fon
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This jingle out of boredom:

I'm an emo
gettin' drunk
off the drink
that really sux
My cousin hates me!
My neighbor hates me!
Even my dog hates me!
And that one guy.......he's okay

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Btw, Blood & Choclate is in theaters today!

How to Annoy your Bully, Haterade style:

1. Go up to the next person to bully/be mean to you and say: "Don't be drinkin' the Haterade!"

2. If they don't stop picking on you threaten to sing this song.

3. If they still don't stop then sing this jingle in the most annoying voice you can thing of.

4. Laff your butt off after. And if they still don't leave you alone I suggest you just walk away.

I'lll make you smile......even if I have to hurt your face to do it..........
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