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myOtaku.com: Homsar88

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Soi Fon
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I didn't sleep very well last night, so I'm not in a very good mood today. I know I got about 3 PMs since I was last on yesterday, but I didn't feel like answering any of them yet and don't be offended if one of them was yours. Also, for those who don't know(I don't remeber if I posted this or not so bare with me) I got the chance to talk to Jordan's mom(through PMs) a few days ago(I don't remember when though, sorry. Heh, heh......)and she's letting us stay together. w00t! I was so happy I nearly kissed my cat! jk. lmao. Right now me and my brother are watching Shark Boy and Lava Girl to pass the time. It's okay so far. Also, my family keeps on changing their friggn plans. We were originally goiong to Orlando(mom changed her mind) then after she said we were visitting grandma's she changed her mind again. Now, it's official I'm staying home, babysitting my siblings, and basically just sitting here waiting for school to start again. Oh, and yesterday me and Middy went to see TMNT the movie! And it was awesome! I totally recommend it! The story was a bit weird(as is in most movies)but, it was great! Me and Middy really liked the character Kurai. Enjoy my new emoticon! ^^

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