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Updates on my life....
On the 7th, it was Neighbor NightOut or whatever so our family went to our neighbors' house the Schnering's and yeah so did everyone else. I spent most of it talking to that annoying neighbor kid who keeps visitting our house about animes and stuff. When I got bored of that, me and my brother and him started playing a game where we were immortal elves that had go on a journey for treasure and travel the galaxy, I was the leader elf, Erragagrog, my brother was Moochaka and the neighbor kid was Mookaka. It was really fun and totally random especially the part when Mookaka(neighbor kid) was killing Moochaka(my brother) for no reason and just to make sure he was dead I threw a space onion(a crabapple) at his head. After that the kids who were playing Star Wars invited me to play w/ them, they made me Jar-Jar Binks. I was kinda hyper at the time so I said "Meesa do a little dance!" and I started dancing and everyone started laughing. I brought the space onion home last night but one of the cats ate it....
And yesterday, my mom told me that my laptop may just come on Friday....we don't know for sure yet though. And on the topic, I decided what I wanna name my laptop, Kyouya-sempai!
Oh and yesterday I stole my sister's Smarties.....and I submitted a fanart check it out if you please....but don't lie to me again some people still are and that's really really annoying.
.::neko. Lover's Request::. Hosted By theOtaku.com .
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