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myOtaku.com: Homsar88

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Soi Fon
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*has a spaz* Ahhhhhhhh! It`s the pod peoples,Koolaid man,squirrel satan and can it be? FIREMANS 3!

Fireman: Why do I always start these?
Other fireman: Uh,the fanfic`s started!
Fireman: Oh,yeah this a commercial for a "product"!*winks*
Other fireman: What is this "product"?*winks*
Fireman: Well "product"*winks* can be anything!
Other fireman:Like what sir?*winks*
Fireman*whispers*: Dude stop winking.
Other fireman: *whispers* Well I winked so much doring rehearsal,I can`t stop!
Fireman: Well it could: a box of light bulbs,Little Red riding hood,or a mule! The truth is we don`t know! Find out today!
Other fireman:*winks* Yeah*winks*today!*winks* Great idea*wink,wink*
Oldman: In my day-
Fireman: Good day,oldster!
Oldman: There it was standing blinking at me with it`s only eye! Shoot it! They shouted!
Fireman: My day was nice too! Say how-
Oldman: And god dang it! That`s the best cherry pie I ever done tasted!
Other fireman: You know I am also an unpayed bystander! And I am also attracted to this "product"*winks*
Oldman: Don`t talk to me like that in my day! We had real tables not your fancy-shmancey wooden ones!
Fireman: Say,Old man how much do you think this product costs? $100? Maybe even $1,000?
Old man: Billyjim! It`s way past your bed time! Don`t make me put you iin the crawlspace again!
Fireman: Well there you have it folks dial:
Other fireman: I want "product"!*winks*
Old man: I want ointment!

Cue "product" theme song in 5 4 3 2 -

It`s something maybe nothing
it could illegal
it could quite lethal
The truth is we don`t know
and we don`t care!
Buy your "product"

*SPECIAL OFFER!* If you call within 20 minutes we`ll give you a bag of "Miscellaneous items"But hurry folks this commercial took place 3 years ago! So you probaly missed the deadline! Good for you!

Fireman: Who gives a crap about the viewer`s needs?! I don`t!
Producer: The film`s still running

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