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Fireman: Some people say I usually start these chapters and the rambling that goes along with them and heck most of them are right!
Other fireman: And some people say I`d follow this guy wherever he goes and heck,they`re right too. Heh,heh. *blush*
Fireman: *takes 3 steps back* Oh,yeah we better tell these otakus what happened.
Other fireman: Oh, yes the Pringles!
Fireman: Pringles.....? No stupid! It`s the 1 with the golden nailpolish !
Other fireman: But aren`t those pretty much the same?
Fireman: Ok, stop saying words. It was a dark and stormy evening which later became a pertly cloudy night. Me and my partner were in my apartm-er office........*fades into scene*
Other fireman: I`m totally owning you!
Fireman: No way! "The dreaded Cactus" always beats "the Atomic Pinky" in "Dorkus: the Clash of the Idiots 27"!
Other fireman: I wonder why we haven`t done anything else for the past 2 years?
Fireman: It`s a mystery!
Other fireman:Dun-Dun-Dun!
Fireman: Will you stop singing that!
Other fireman: But it`s my favorite song!
Fireman: Well it is really catchy....
Other fireman: Let`s dance the night away! Hold me! I think I`m giddy!
Fireman:*3 steps back*
Other fireman: Oh, well let`s just dance then!
Fireman: Hey look it`s that sinister kid!
Evil kid: That`s evil kid to you!
Other fireman: Ooh! Look, it`s Old man!
Old man: In my day we had real moves! Now let me show you some jazz!*hip-hop dances*
Me: But that`s hip-hop. Oh,well.
Other fireman: Oh no! It`s the great creator! We`ll do what you say just leave!*flinchy*
Me:I`m your ruler! I command you all to dance! Dance I say! *calms down* Dance.
*boogie, boogie,boogie*
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