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myOtaku.com: Homsar88

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

The thorns raised by Buck
Soi Fon
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The title was just like a random pun I came up with. Earlier today in science we were picking up dead buckthorn, because it is not only relevant to what we were studying but also judging but I`ve read they sound evil and grow fast. *arrow pointing at me reads: not a master of intellect* Though, I gotta agree with the arrow this one time. But while were out there I saw some girls diggging up thid rusty piece of metal or something with some rocks. I spent a majority of my time watching them and frequently dusting this mysterious thing off. And after they gave up I wound up trying to dig up the thing myself. After a little while we had to go back inside. I sayed there for a little while longer until I saw people actually leaving me behind. It made me late. Which was pathetic because my locker is right across from my social studies class. But what really bother me is that I never found out what that thing was. It sounds trivial at best but I want another look at it the next time we go outside again.

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