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Proud Heartbreaker.
Real Name
Caz Creeper/GeezLouise/Caz
Most mellow and funny person most ppl ever met, oh and I remembered to wear clean underwear today.
Favorite Anime
Chrono Crusade.
to become a comedian or lyricist
Cussing fluently
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/17/07:
Result Posted on 10/17/07:
lol. Naruto looks like hes on crack in this poicture.....
Result Posted on 10/13/07:
Passion! Ow! XD
Result Posted on 10/13/07:
Me? Emotive? Never! ^-^
Result Posted on 10/13/07:
Tough boy eh? Well Ive been living my whole life pretty wrong then! XD
Result Posted on 10/13/07:
I agree w/ most of this and yes I have gotten over most everything Ive been through. Especially since Ive gotten lots of support recently
What's in your heart? (8 detailed answer + anime pics)
 Love is in your heart. You often feel happy and sociable, and feel like you've been swept off your feet. But be careful! Love can be soooo painful too, (as I have learnt from personal experiences). If you don't get it right, and that special someone ends up breaking your heart, believe me you can actually feel it rip in two, and by God it's painful! Be prepared to cry your heart out, unless you have it down! Then you can fly all the way out of this world with your love by your side. It's pure bliss when your in love. Your Element: Love. Your stone: Diamond Your Past: You've probably had no major traumas in your past, and if you have, you're over it. Your Future: It's hard to say. You got two options, really, but they'll probably both end up in the same thing. You might get badly heartbroken, or you might find someone who loves you just as much as you love them. But that's the near future. It doesn't matter what happens now. You'll more than likely end up love with the person you know you're destined to die with. You'll find that special someone, just waiting for you. What you want out of life: Again, it's hard to say, but my guess is you want your love, to hold in your arms forever. But be careful. Not everything can last forever. Please rate and message. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/05/07:
Yeah I already knew that but who acres? Quizzes r fun alot of the time....
You Are 88% Bipolar
You have some serious ups and downs, maybe to the point of endangering your own life.
Consult a doctor to see if you may truly have bipolar disorder.
Result Posted on 10/05/07:
Mmmm, Yuki ^_______^ *gets socked by Hatsuharu*
Result Posted on 10/05/07:
Well Im not cheerful so much as whimsical or even high. XD
What Color Represents You?
 Your color is YELLOW!About YOU :: You are very cheerful and happy most of the time! People can always look up to you when they need help, and they trust you with their feelings and secrets. You have a very positive outlook towards life. :)Some Advice for you :: Be sure to let people know your feelings too! Don't just cram your feelings into your head and ignore them. Let them out! I'm sure the people that tell you their problems will be more than welcoming to hear yours! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/04/07:
A female Itachi? XD
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