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Proud Heartbreaker.
Real Name
Caz Creeper/GeezLouise/Caz
Most mellow and funny person most ppl ever met, oh and I remembered to wear clean underwear today.
Favorite Anime
Chrono Crusade.
to become a comedian or lyricist
Cussing fluently
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/04/07:
I mostly agree excluding the part when I got to just any social event. I usually reject those.
What mythical or mystical creature are you?
 You are a Phoenix. In many legend, the phoenix lives ontop of tall palm trees, and feeds on dates and morning dew. The phoenix lives for a very long time, and at the end of its life it build a pyre ontop of its palm tree and lights it, burning itself into ashes. From the cooling ashes emerges the phoenix, only, instead of the old, going-out bird it was, it ignites into a baby chick. In some sources, it is said that the phoenix isn't really a bird, but a feathered, legless, fire-loving dragon, Who bathes regularly in fire. When it leaves the fire bath it looks so renewed and rejuvinated that people mistake it for dying and being born again. You are a very optimistic person, you can look on the bright side of any situation and are almost always happy. People love being aorund you because your happieness and optimism rub off on others. Even though you will jump at the opportunity to join in any large social event, you like your down and alone times as well, and can cherish being by yourself. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/02/07:
Is it just me or am I prone top getting her for some reason?
Result Posted on 10/02/07:
Result Posted on 09/29/07:
What Cassandra Charlotte Johnson Means
C is for Charismatic
A is for Amazing
S is for Snarky
S is for Silly
A is for Articulate
N is for Neglected
D is for Distinguished
R is for Radical
A is for Altruistic
C is for Confused
H is for Hot
A is for Amazing
R is for Radiant
L is for Luxurious
O is for Openhearted
T is for Tough
T is for Thrilling
E is for Energetic
J is for Joyous
O is for Odd
H is for Honest
N is for Nutty
S is for Sweet
O is for Organic
N is for Neat
Result Posted on 09/29/07:
Your Kiss is Blue
You prefer kissing to be a meaningful, emotional experience.
You don't like to kiss strangers, and you don't like to kiss someone you're mad at.
A kiss can change how you feel about someone - for better or worse.
You don't take anything lightly... especially kissing.
Kissing Type: Deep
People See Your Kisses as: Genuine
You Kiss Best With: A Green Kisser
Stay away from: A Red Kisser
Result Posted on 09/27/07:
Sticky fingers??OMFG, wow....bad mental iumages...XDDDDD
They call you sticky fingers for a reason!
Result Posted on 09/27/07:
Your Personality Profile
You are sexy, powerful, and bold.
You're full of passion and energy...
Sometimes this passion has a dark side.
You feel most alive when you're seducing someone.
You never fail to get someone's attention.
Quick minded, you're also quick to lose your temper!
Result Posted on 09/25/07:
what Inuyasha character would be your boyfriendUPDATED
 Your boy friend is the one and only Inuyasha himself. He's sweet and cute and protective, plus strong and tough. He also is annoying and irritating and jealious and bad tempered and always saids the wrong things. Well if you could get over that he's a cool b-friend. NOW CAN YOU KEEP HIM.TAKE HIS MINI QUIZ TO SEE IF YOU STAND A CHANCE VS HIS LADYS.O please rate.^-^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/25/07:
what's your level in emotion? UPDATED ,GREAT PICS
 Your H.I.D.D.E.N Emotion. You have the hidden emotion meaning you're hiding your feeling from the world. You look normal, you act normal. People see you as a happy person. When inside you're suffering of depression. You hide this feeling because you don't want your family,friends to worry about you.Like me ,I hide my feeling of sad,lonely and depressed.Tip:-_- Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/21/07:
Hellz yeah bitches!!! XDDD And I got this result first too! Awesome possum.
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