Homunculi Sloth
Hello. Sloth here. Yes, the homunculus Sloth. I bet your woundering "Why is Sloth on the Otaku?". That's just it. I heard from someone (yes I was esdropping) that this is a great site but it doesn't seem very great. But still. Have you meet my daughters Winter and Summer?
Winter: *waves*
Summer: Hi everyone!
Me: Arent they the cutest?
Both: *giggle*
Me: Well, I have to go. They will need dinner soon. Bye.
Sloth, Winter, and Summer all say---- See you later.
Me: Merry Christmas
@---,----‘—A rose for Winter
@----‘----,-- A rose for Summer
@-----,------‘-----,--- And A rose for Sloth
P.S: The cursor was Winter's idea but Summer chose it. 
Friday, December 22, 2006
dear sorry
Sorry I haven't been on. Winter's headache turned out to be the flu. Then Summer got it and I had to be careful not to get it either. Well, Summer is asleep and Winter is moaning. Next year for there birthday I'm giving them seprate rooms so they have a smaller chance of not being sick if one is. There birthday is 1/5. I might not post the rest of Christmas break or that week. I'll try but there is a very slim chance I will. Please pray Winter and Summer get better soon. *sneezes* Sorry, I think I'm getting the flu too. Well, good bye everyone.
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Hello. I just got back from getting my kids out of school. I can't talk long because they Winter has a headache and needs to rest. Good bye.
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