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myOtaku.com: Hope

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Welcome to my profile! Hope you like my site. Please sign my guest book and be my friend. ^_^

Welcome to my profile. Hope you like it here.
Here is some information about my self. ^.~ I am just a girl in Canada, 16 years old. I drawn pictures for fun. I love to play the piano and my drums sets. I am good at sports, math and all the other class, except french. I have a light and dark personnalty.

And I'm back, I will try to be on otaku more I promise. >.<

And my gaia account is the_midnight_angel
If you're a member, we could be friends!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

  Oh god, I'm so nervous, the June exams are coming. And I have so many stuff to study. My parents aren't helping ether because they are totally pressing me to do my revision now. And asking how much is there left, did you finish this, did you finish that.
Sec 4 is the most important period so I'm a study hog now. Have, to, study... Must, go, on... No, playing... And all.
And also no drawing T.T for now.

What can I say.
Study = suffocating in knowledge.
Parents= the hot iron that is by your side and guards you in your knowledge torture.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Now, I'm thinking about doing a manga serie!
Yeah, I'm so excited. Can't wait to post the cover, when I'm done with my other art entries that is.
I'm designing my characters and deciding that to do. I'm not even sure what it will be about. Maybe I should just go along with the story as I draw.
Can't wait, can't wait! It's sure, that it will a fantasy thing, with a lot of cool clothes! *happy dance*

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Drawing phase
It's funny that now I'm in a drawing mode. I just did 3 drawing for 3 contest on gaia in one week. What a recored. (Will post them soon, after I resized them)
I'm doing my sketch at night around 10 pm when my parents are asleep and doing the line art and coloring in science and history class. The history teacher can't see me cause I at the back. But my science teacher just let me do what ever I want. And she is even interested at my art and always want to see new one. lol

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

  I will come here more. I promise. And I will be on gaia every day. >.<
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

   OH! boy!
I haven't been here for soo long. I think it has been 2 years?
Anyway I have really progressed with my drawings. Now I do them in water coloring and photoshop.

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Featured Quiz Result:

You're Most Like Kaoru!! Spunky and annoying!overconfident and
stupid!eheh,on the bright side,kaoru is a
kamiya kashim style sensei.tough and
outgoing,she's not a chikc you'd like to mess
with,and what do ya know?!she's in love with
kenshin!heh,lucky you

What Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You Most Like?
brought to you by Quizilla
Almost like me.
You're a "White Angel". You're a natural
leader in every aspect of life because you
always try to do the right thing. It may not
always work out the right way but atleast you
tried. You're pretty near to your family and
you love being around them. You're not afraid
of what people think if you except you relative
because you have to deal with them everyday.
Everyone else, you don't. You are only afraid
that you won't live up to what they want you to
be though. You want to be the best at
everything and you'll push anyone out of your
way if you have to. You're a person with big
dreams and ambitions and you're a clear
thinking. You never do things on impulse but
always think things out first which helps you a
lot in life.

What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
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