Saturday, June 26, 2004
i'm in massachusetts again!! ah family is so lovely!! NOT. newayz...
lookish like my kenshin pic was too big for petey's scanner. oh well. if you've seen it, a lot of it got chopped off cuz i guess he tried to put kenshin in the middle. hopefully we can sort that out. in the meantime, i got myself hooked on yet another manga *slaps herself repeatedly* suikoden III is so good! I;ve never played the games, but the manga version sure is interesting. plus, the art is really good!
guess that's all for now..... ciao!! (I've always wanted to write that ^_^)
-Hoshi Suzume
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Saturday, June 5, 2004
YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Harry Potter finally came out yesterday!! I'm so excited I'm gonna see it on Wednesday. And school's almost over. One more week. It feels like forever. Then, I'll be a senior and then off to college (scary). But that's a year away, so I'm not gonna worry about it. ^_^
-Hoshi Suzume
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Monday, May 24, 2004
GARRRRRRGGGGGGGGG I HATE MR. BORTZ!!! my idiot studio teacher was in a pissy mood on friday and gave me lunch detention for no good reason. ok so i was skipping 4th with my friend, but still, i wasn't skipping HIS class. neway, joey and I were walking around the halls when we ran into my other friend, jodi, who was walking back to the art room to get her stuff. it was prom day, so a lot of ppl were leaving. even tho joey and i weren't going, we were leaving neway with a friend. newayz, the three of us were in a really good mood, so we were skipping down the hall and making a lot of noise. we go into bortz's room and he says "you guys are making too much noise; this isn't recess you know." and i, not knowing that he was pms-ing said "yeah it is!" we joke around with him all the time, so i thought this was like usual and he was gonna laugh it off, but NO. he stood up, bright red, and yells at me "LUNCH DETENTION!!! I just stared at him like are u serious?!?
I talked to him later and wormed my way out of it, but seriously, i didn't do anything!! i was so upset! he almost screwed joey and I out of seeing Troy!!!! which, by the way, was an excellent movie and eric bana is so hot and i don't know why he's never been in nething before this!! but i was biased b/c Hector is my favorite character from the Iliad, but i digress.
other than that, my day was pretty good! wow that felt good. i feel better now!! thanx for listening!! ^_^
-Hoshi Suzume
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Friday, May 21, 2004
peopole have left comments on my pic of sasuke, saying that I copied code name hide's drawing. I would just like to say that i did not copy off him/her.(girl or boy? not sure...) I would never do something like that. I checked out the pic after i read the commments, and yeah they are similar, but not the same. people often have similar ideas in their heads. I'm sorry if ne one thinks that i did or is offended or something.
-Hoshi Suzume
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
mmmmmmmmmmm ice cream is good....
i'm currently re-reading the third harry potter in preparation for its release on June 4th!!!!!!! *jumps up and down in glee* I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!
-Hoshi Suzume
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Sunday, May 9, 2004
aaaaaaaaaaaaarrgggggg i gotta get a job over the summer....poop...more work less drawing more money ^_^. money is used for buying things....things like more copic markers and naruto and books and naruto and naruto!!!!!
newayz....wolf isis wanted to know what I wuz using to color my pics in: I use copic markers. they're so much fun cuz they're all pretty and schtuff!!!!!
well, betta finish that blockbuster application!!!!
-Hoshi Suzume
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
YAY!!!!!!! i finally got Copic markers!!!!! I gots set A. My mommy helped me buy 'em!!! i luv her soo much!! heheheheh.... now all my pics will be pretty /n colorful. I'm also gonna go back and color some of the ones that are in pencil now. I'm gonna have so much fun!!
AP tests r ovah for me!!!! hahaha i only had Lang and Comp tho, so it's ok. Lots of my friends have two (poor joey -bubble1117). She has Psych too. boo hoo we should have a party to celebrate when they're done!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
i guess that's all 4 today....bai!!
-Hoshi Suzume
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
hello ppl. wow it's been a while huh? I got a lot of homework's like they're trying to make up for lost time over AP tests are approaching *WEEP WEEP WEEP WEEP*!!!!!!!!!!!
neway, this keychain is sooooo cute!!! I love yondaime, but i'm not about to pay 12 bucks for it (i'm cheap, yes i know...). newayz......i've been wrking on summore pics and I finally bought some copic markers (yay) off eBay (thank god for eBay ^_^), so i might go back and color some of the ones already on here and put up new ones all shiny and pretty and stuff!!!
well.........i guess that's all 2day.....ttyl!!!
-Hoshi Suzume
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Friday, April 9, 2004
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blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh i finally got to watch Saiyuki 20 2day. yay!!! it just keeps getting weirder and weirder. ahh well, that's haw it was with Eva, too. And it looks like Naruto's gonna end up like that. Gosh I'm gald Oh My Goddess is a nice happy series (so far).
I love Spring Break!!!! Just think, a few more days, and back to school *shivers* gross-o.
I took a tour of Rhode Island School of Design the other day. It's a nice place, but it's a city campus. >.< I wish it was self-contained....but al the departments were really cool ^_^. Illustration or animation would probably be my thing.
Time to go and finish my desert (yum yum) and draw smore. Ciao
-Hoshi Suzume
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