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myOtaku.com: hot 12121

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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mikeyole (05/20/07)

Cool! u live in cali just like the other hot girl. is that supposed to b California? I wonder...

SteveThePimp (02/13/07)

hey resigning lol added ya ttyl
peace represent!!!

Red Fang (02/11/07)

Hey nice site ^^ Well talk to you later

physco (02/10/07)

Hiya, thanks for signing my gb. Adding ya, see ya!

ShadowPir8 (02/09/07)

Thanks for um… well, I guess it would count as droppin' in. I'll add ya as a friend in exchange, I take it ya don't mind. Later.

kittygirl56 (02/09/07)

Hi nice site!
I like the colours!
and...I'm a kitty!!!!!!!!!

-Kitty, the master of all that is cheesy-

My Deadly Wound (02/07/07)

Love your site its really cool. Hope you can come by mine sometime. bye byes.
I Love Reno

honey bear 12121 (02/05/07)

hi its so good to be alive

Punk Puffin (02/05/07)

awesome syt you got here! I love it! you like singing? thats awesome so do I! well I'm adding you and you can do the same if you would like to. PM me anytime! I hope to talk to you soon! laterr


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