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8th grade! YEAH! W00T!
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my horrid stories that others like o.o;;;
Anime Fan Since
Well... maybe since I was 6
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pita-Ten, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemest, Naruto, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Trigun, and many others I can't remember/name o.o;;
To write at least one book
Writing and that's about it o.o;;
People say I'm good at writing and drawing... but I think it's making people hate me
| Hotaru and Rini
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I don't know why, but I feel horrible... and when I try to write, I get nothing... and I have all these great ideas swimming in my mind... I try to thik positive and all I can think of is "I found one of their pics" and "Kouga...". Then my head hurts, but... *sighs* I do stay on top of things.
Today, *shakes head* We had to do this presentation. I was shaking. ... it was scary and I was soooo scared to make a mistake. because the evil girl is in that class... *shivers* And the weird thing was, I don't remember anything, except getting up, walking over to the front of the class, sitting on the stool, and sitting down at my desk. I don't even remember going back to my desk...
well... more stress... we have this open house "timetravel" thing... >>;; I need to find a costume... otherwise... *shakes head* I just have to.
well........ a half an hour til ten... O.O!!!! WHAT A SEC! 10 OCLOCK! I need to stay off this computer more. I mean, I have like an hour of reading and Mom and I watch a show at ten. >>;; and now...... *opens mouth*
Inuyasha: yes...?
me: oh yeah! my greatest fear is everything changing for the worse and because of that, falling into a depression I can't get out of...
I should go now... go read about King Arthur >>;; WHYYYY?! I ASK YOU! WHYYYYYYY?! ...... o.o nevermind >>;;
Lots of love!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
The english translation of Come, an Inu theme song
This song is quite perfect for everything. I love this song.
If sorrow is overflowing now,
It's alright to lean on me and cry.
I get, I get, I get, get the feeling
I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming
Stay just like this.
Come my way
Darkness is all around
Come close to me...
Now with the light of dusk,
I'll be with you, I'll be with you...
So I'm at your side.
I realize that you're just the only one
Who is important to me in this world.
I get, I get, I get, get the feeling
I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming
Stay just like that.
Come my way...
Close your eyes
Come close to me...
It's alright if you sleep, because
I'll be with you, I'll be with you...
I'm right here.
So come my way.
Calling out,
Can you hear me?
So come my way.
I get, I get, I get, get the feeling
I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming
Stay just like this.
Come my way...
Close your eyes
Come close to me...
It's alright if you sleep, because
I'll be with you, I'll be with you...
I'm right here.
So come my way.
Come my way
Come close to me
Come my way
Come close to me
Today I realized something. That no matter what obsticles are put in my path, I can always over come them. It kinda came from the story I'm writing where we all face our greatest fears. I still need my other friends' fears. but... that's kinda the moral of the day. and now a question
What is your greatest fear?
If you have more then one, either list them all or pick one. Thanks everyone ^.~
Lots of love, now and forever!
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Hiya everyone!
Don't know if you all read my 3rd post yesterday, but please do. My optimisum was tested today. This guy was all yealling at me. It ticked me off!! >< but then he's all like "Oh, sorry, I was joking..." I didn't believe him! Then I was passing out papers and they kept asking me if I had their papers. gah, so annoying! >< but I just told myself that when I got home, I could write til like 4 ^^ then go do hw. Anyways, I gtg write now ^^ please comment on yesterday's 3rd post!
Lots of love ^.~
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
No more sad for Hotaru
^__^ from now on, I'm going as optimistic as I possibly can. I know it'll be hard when my mood can offten become sad, but I can't help but TRY to look on the positive side of things! I'll probably feel lonely as one of my only sad emotions, but that's natural because I desire attention 75% of the day. usually the other part, I'm sleeping or MAYBE doing a little homework ^^;; So now, no more sad Hotaru and now I'll be good at giving advice ^-^ PEOPLE WILL LOVE MEEEEEE! now I have to get over my shyness, but tomorrow is another day ^^ oh, tomorrow's Monday... o.o;; darn >< but at least that means I have Spanish in two days ^__^ see? OPTIMISTIC! if anyone has any advice for helping with not being shy an all, please tell me!
-Hotaru ^__^
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MY WALLPAPER'S NOT WORKING! I'm gonna find one that does, so the theme may no longer be Kingdom Hearts
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Well... ummmm... *looks down in shame*
I'm sorry everyone. These days, I have so many buddies, that I can't visit them all... a-and that story is going down the drain *head still hung in shame* b-but! I have another story going! a-and you can all help me. You can't be in it, cuz I'll loose track of everyone like I did before... *lowers head in more shame* b-but I need like 50 items. i-it's like a treasure hunt... f-or some of my closest friends...
On another note, I've been really lonely lately. Like the rainy day yesterday... I only had Angel to talk to. and sometimes my other friend Lab, b-but... I was still lonely. No offense to you Angel! I-I just get lonely easily. I-If someone could like PM me. o-or IM me! I know I live pretty far from most of you, but I'm only the computer 2/3 of the day... s-so... *bows* IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!! ...........................

Yay!! Kouga!!!

FINALLY!! *people stare at her* eh heh heh... I hate Kikyo >> don't blame me, blame my love of Inu/Kag things

Another GREAT Inu couple ^^
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Yesterday was eventfull... I guess
For one thing, we had a minimum day! ^.~ we got out at 11 insted of 2:20. But it was raining T-T I WAS SOOOOOOO COLD!! I didn't wear jeans, so my legs were freezing! and my arms, which were trying to protect my papers from getting soaked, got soaked insted -_-;; Then this dog came running up to me. He was like a big Huskey. he was cute ^^ I felt a little sorry for him because he was out in the rain. But he followed me -.-;; But what REALLY sucked out of the whole day were two things. 1. I was RUNNING half the way home T-T And 2. Dad only had one blanket, so I was freezing almost the whole time in his house. but the good things were:
1. MINIMUM DAY!! W00T! ^_^
2. Daddy bought me a game ^^ I wanted Final Fantasy X(10) but stupid Curcit City didn't have it >< Instead I got Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. The thing is hard!!! >< I need to look up startegies on the internet! GOOGLE!! ^^;; I'm hyper... >> but yesterday was fun! and now I must look for a walkthrough on the game ^^; *goes off to google or Yahoo search*
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New layout
decided to do Kingdom Hearts ^.~ got Simple and Clean stuck in my head >< STILL!!
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Planning a new layout! What should it be? Anything is welcome for a suggestion. I'll either take the one that most people say, or the one that I think is awesome ^^
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
I GOT 200 VISITS!!!! W00T!!! ^.~ no pics today, I'll put some up later ^^
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