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myOtaku.com: Hotaru and Rini

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Lots of things ^^;;
Well... ummm... I guess not o.o;; anyways, here's the FIRST episode of my Anime Talk show! Enjoy ^_~

Hotaru's Talk Show!
Episode 1: A Talk with Kurama!

Me: so, Kurama-kun, got a new girlfriend yet? I'm sure one of your fan girls will take the spot!
Kurama: *laughs* no, not yet.
Me: What about Sakura-chan?
Kurama: She's just one of your characters -.-; you never finished developing the story.
Me: Right ^^;; I knew that...
Kurama: You're so weird Hotaru-chan
Me: ^-^ Ya- hey, was that an insult?
Kurama: no... o.o;;
Me: Good ^.^ cuz if it was- *cracks knuckles meanicingly*
Kurama: Don't worry... it wasn't *nervous anime sweatdrop*
Me: Kouga's been wondering... do you still like me?
Kurama: Only as a friend ^_^
Kouga from backstage: GOOD!
Me: ^^;; eh heh heh, yeah, that's mah Kouga for you!
Kurama: *laughs*
Me: Hey Kurama-kun?
Kurama: yeah?
Me: I got you a present!
Kurama: Really? what is it?
*a girl walks on stage. She has long brown hair and blue eyes. She sits down next to Kurama*
Kurama: O.O!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!! IT'S-
Girl: Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Kurama-chan ^____^
Me: Meet Sakura-chan! She loves Kurama-kun, and she's a charater I created ^-^
Kurama: she makes sucky characters...
Me and Sakura: I HEARD THAT!
Me: well, that's all the time we have! Tune in next time ^-^
Kurama: *running from Sakura* SAKURA-CHAN! STOP!!!
Sakura: *chasing Kurama* *mad* NOT UNTIL YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME!!!! *starts throwing things around the set at him*
Me: HEY! I'll have to pay for that you know! *tries to stop her, but fails and ends up hiding with Kurama*

Well, that's all I have time for today! =^.^= not really, I just want to get some ice cream
Hiei: you mean sweet snow??????
Me: yeah ^-^ I'll get you some too!
Inu: AND ME!
Me: okay okay! and some for Kouga-kun too!
Kouga: thanks Hotaru! *kisses Hotaru*
Me: ^.~

Lot's of Love!

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