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8th grade! YEAH! W00T!
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my horrid stories that others like o.o;;;
Anime Fan Since
Well... maybe since I was 6
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pita-Ten, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemest, Naruto, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Trigun, and many others I can't remember/name o.o;;
To write at least one book
Writing and that's about it o.o;;
People say I'm good at writing and drawing... but I think it's making people hate me
| Hotaru and Rini
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Current Mood: Worried 
I have a report due on Wed and guess how much I've worked on it?
If you guessed none, you're right. ;-; I mean, come on! It's the first report and I'm not ready! I blame it on the shoes... >.> (yes, you heard me right. Shoes.) I had to draw my shoe three different ways >> they took like 20 minutes each. Darn you shoes XD
Anyways, more AU for those who're still here >.> Please know that I CAN'T get to your sites until the weekend. So I'm really sorry!!!
*~*After The Movie*~*
Hotaru had been scared. No, really scared. Her arms were wrapped tightly around Kouga's waist while Kouga arms held her comfortably. Hotaru had been affected by the movie, but Kouga hadn't. He'd seen the movie so many times. His friends would watch it with their girlfriends at a party while he was there to scare them, so, naturally, he had to watch. It was kind of like what happened just a little while ago.
'Except she's not my girlfriend,' Kouga had thought sadly at a part where Hotaru wasn't squeezing him nearly to death.
But Kouga had plans to ask Hotaru. But first, he needed to know if it was okay with her. He didn't want her to be in trouble with her father just for going out with him. Then Kouga had to stop thinking, because Hotaru squeezed him again, signaling that another scary part was on.
As soon as the movie was over, Hotaru took her arms of Kouga while her face turned red. Kouga, however, didn't take his arms of Hotaru, but she didn't seem to mind. Neither did he, for that matter. They relaxed there for a moment, watching the credits roll by. The moment was ruined, however, when Aiko came into the room.
"Did you enjoy the movie Hotaru?" she asked, eyeing the position her son and his "friend" were in. Hotaru nodded. Aiko smiled. "That's good. How much longer are you staying?"
"Um... Mom said I could stay until 5:30," Hotaru said, glancing at the clock behind her. It read '5:15'. "Guess I should get ready then."
Aiko's suspicious. OOOOOOOOOH XD XD
ALL ABOUT TODAY(notice the change? XD):
Current Time: 9:21 PM West Coast
What I'm listening to: Who I Am Hates Who I've Been by Relient K(that's my fav song on the album!!)
Most exciting thing that happened today: P.E. ^_^ Oddly enough. We brought out the parachute and the giant ball! IT WAS SO FUN!!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD
Worst thing that happened today: Mr. Paschal(math teacher) said he'd be gone until Thanksgiving. ;-; he's my favortie teacher too!!!!
Funniest Thing Mr. Paschal said today: When he announced he'd be gone until Thanksgiving we all said "WHAT?" Then he said, "Thanksgiving. You know, with the turkey that's stuffed full of food. and that red thing. I don't like that. Jello is the only thing that should wiggle on my plate." He said something like that XD XD You see why I love Mr. Paschal?
I have to go work on my report(not XP)
Lot's of Love!
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