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8th grade! YEAH! W00T!
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my horrid stories that others like o.o;;;
Anime Fan Since
Well... maybe since I was 6
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pita-Ten, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemest, Naruto, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Trigun, and many others I can't remember/name o.o;;
To write at least one book
Writing and that's about it o.o;;
People say I'm good at writing and drawing... but I think it's making people hate me
| Hotaru and Rini
Saturday, October 1, 2005
X3 hee hee
Current Mood: Perky 
I'm too perky right now X3 I don't know why though.
I'm going to change my theme later today X3 so if you read this and see my new theme, it means I already changed it XD
I'm glad so many people liked last time's AU X3 it was alright. Now Here comes a Miroku/Sango part!
*~*After School*~*
Sango and Miroku were walking home together, something Sango REALLY didn't want to do. But since neither had a car and they lived near each other, they had to walk together. Normally, Sango would leave school right away, so that she would get a head start and stay away from Miroku, but the teacher had needed to talk to her, so she ended up going at the same time as Miroku.
Sango kept silent, and so did Miroku. Finally, it was getting too much for Sango to handle.
Before Sango could speak, Miroku said, "How have your practices been going?"
Sango paused. She hadn't expected him to speak. "Fine," she answered.
"That's good," Miroku commented. "I haven't been to any recently. And it's almost winter!"
"True," Sango said. "But I can't wait until Christmas. It's one of my favorite holidays."
Miroku paused. "Really? Why's that?" he asked.
"Well, what's left of my family gathers, and we all have a good time. No other holiday brings us together like that."
(I just can't help falling in love with you)
Wise men say only fools’ rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I say would it be a sin?
(Be a sin)
If I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows (Oooh)
To the sea (Oooh)
So it goes
Some things are meant to be
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand (take my hand)
Take my whole life too (life too)
For I can't help falling in love with you
Miroku smiled a little. "You don't see your family often do you?"
"No..." Sango said sadly, hanging her head.
Wise men say only fools’ rush in
But I, I can't, I can't help Falling in love (falling in love) With you (with you)
Like a river flows (Oooh)
To the sea (Oooh)
So it goes
Some things are meant to be
Some things are meant to be
Sango felt a hand intertwine with hers and she looked up, finding herself gazing into the indigo orbs of Miroku. She blushed and looked down again.
Take my hand (take my hand)
Take my whole life too (life too)
For I can't help falling in love with you
Take my hand (take my hand)
Take my whole life too (life too)
For I can't help falling in love with you
They continued walking hand-in-hand. Both were silent. Sango was thinking. So was Miroku, for that matter.
~Miroku's POV~
'She's the only one I could EVER love. She's beautiful, smart and... Just everything.'
'Go for it, dude!'
~Sango's POV~
'His hand is so warm. I feel... this strange feeling. What is this? Is it... love?'
'Hell yeah! You love him and he loves you.'
~Normal POV~
They got to Sango's house and Sango felt his hand leave hers. He smiled at her. Sango found herself smiling back.
"Thanks for walking with me," Miroku said. Sango simply nodded. "I'll see you on Monday then." Sango nodded again, remembering that that day was Friday. "Bye."
Miroku left after that.
Like a river flows
That's the way it goes
I just can't help fallin' in love with you
(Fallin' in love with you)
Like a river flows (yea yea)
That's the way it goes (cause I can't)
Fallin' in love with you
Like a river flows (I just can't help myself)
That's the way it goes
I can't help falling in love with you
(I can't help falling in love with you)
Fallin' in love with you
Hee hee X3 I liked that part. But I like the next part more X3
Anyways... Umm... XD
I'm not very sick anymore X3 so I'll go back to school on Monday X3 yay
Chapter 8 is almost done X3 it's 7/8 done ^___^ YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY XD
X3 after the next part, we'll start chapter 5 ^^
Lot's of Love!
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