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8th grade! YEAH! W00T!
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my horrid stories that others like o.o;;;
Anime Fan Since
Well... maybe since I was 6
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pita-Ten, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemest, Naruto, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Trigun, and many others I can't remember/name o.o;;
To write at least one book
Writing and that's about it o.o;;
People say I'm good at writing and drawing... but I think it's making people hate me
| Hotaru and Rini
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/29/05:
*blush* good points? *more
Result Posted on 05/29/05:
yesh, that's me alright
Result Posted on 05/28/05:
cool, that's me ^_^
 You're a romantic girl. You're kind, caring, loveing, and peaceful. You spend a lot of your time dreaming and you're not afraid to express deep emotion, whether it be in a poem, diary, or words. You hope for love and affection from your prince charming. I have a feeling he will come around soon.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/07/05:
That's me and Kouga all right
 You are the loving couple. Now all couples love but you two seem to be perfect for each other. You hardly fight, you're not afraid to show your feelings in public, and you understand each other. That's not to say you don't have your bumpy points in the road. You may have huge arguements but you never get over each other and you put each other first no matter what. If you mess up you try to see what was wrong and try to improve it.
What Kind Of Couple Are You And Your Partner? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/07/05:
Awesome! ^_^
Result Posted on 05/07/05:
 Lucky! Your soul mate is the wild and wonderful Kouga! While he may be a little obsessive about you, it's all good, cuz you know he'll shower you with affection. He's only got big turqiouse eyes for you, you lucky thing, and he'll never turn. After all, once you've won the love of a wolf, you've got a love for life. ^_^
Who's Your Inuyasha Soul Mate? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/07/05:
Yesh, that sounds like me... I
 You hate not to love but you hate to fall in love. You can't help but sigh when you see to people kiss in the park and all. You don't like to go over board and believe in a small steady relationship at first so that it can grow. You also like to think that you can have that kiss that puts you into a portal and you can't get back until he/she stops.
How much do you love? GOOD PICS brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/07/05:
OMG! that's SOOOOO meeee!
You are RomanticYou are romantic. You are just like me sometimes. You love the classic Romeo and Juliet movies, how love usually conquers all. People might think of you as girly, and cute, but you are really serious when it comes to love. You yearn to have a boyfriend (if you don't have one) and you know you will treasure that friendship forever. Your first kiss may mean a big thing to you, if you haven't gotten it yet. You fall for romantic songs, moonlight serenades, and yes, cute boys. You are sweet to both genders, and small kids, and respectful for elders. You will be a very good wife and mother. Oh yeah! Please Rate and Message!
What's The Girl Inside of You? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. (UPDATED!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/07/05:
*blush* cool
Result Posted on 05/07/05:
I'm Kagome again! ^^
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