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Monday, February 28, 2005
Yay! My Johnny comic is coming in tomorrow! I thought it was coming in in a couple of days, but then i relized theres only 28 days this month....shutup....This comic book has all seven issuis of Johnny C. plus its a directors cut! im so exicted!!!!so ya..on the week end i saw 3 movie.The Crow:City of Angels, Clockwork Orange and The Phantom of The Opera. All of them were asome, Clockwork Orange was kinda nasty though...It was still asome...thats my excitment in my life...later
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
my poor computer
I dont know what i did but since yesterday my computer has been infested with spyware and adware...Now its running slow and i keep getting pop ups when im not on the internet!
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Spaced out
Ever just start staring at the wall, and your mind actually goes blank? Well thats been happening a lot lately. Ever since Valentines day....My father wrote me a letter, and told me to call him. I cant decide if I really want to...but ever since that letter I keep having flash backs of him hitting me. I told my best friend what he did but thats it no one will ever know...
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
my boobs
Well my boobs are officially handlebars for when i give piggyback rides. I only give rides to two people though, my two guy friends...(they're so short)So ya...i played that mortal combat game for the PS2 it was pretty cool, i dont like how the combos are though. guess i play to much soul calibur2. thats proballey one of my favorite games. what are your favorite games?
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Monday, February 7, 2005
stupid stunt
Im such a moron! When i got home from school I took my dog out...But it was just to walk around with my friends...Then out of nowhere my mom drives up and starts yelling at me. after she drove off we all started bursting out laughing. Lucky for me she didnt give me an extra grounding.
anyone ever been biten? Well i have and ive come to find that i love to be bit and love to bite...Is that strange? I dont think so...What are your turn ons?
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
getting to know me...i guess
1) First Grade Teacher:dont know
2) Last word you said:something
3) Last song you sang:she hates me-puddle of mud
4) Last person you hugged:good guy friend
5) Last thing you laughed at:perverted joke from guy friend
6) Last time you said 'I love you': a while ago
7) Last time you cried: A good while back
8) What's in your CD player:smashing pumpkins
9) What colour socks are you wearing: Black
10) What's under your bed:boxes
11) What time did you wake up today: 9:40am
12) Current taste:eggs
13) Current hair: Flat and down
14) Current clothes: Black pants and white nirvana t-shirt
15) Current annoyance:being grounded
16) Current longing:hange out with friend
17) Current desktop picture:lain character
18) Current worry:getting school project done,getting into good high school
19) Current hate:stress
20) Story behind your username:umm...just came to me
21) Current favourite article of clothing:huh?
22) Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex:eyes
22a) Favourite physical feature of the same sex: eyes
23) Last CD that you bought: Bought? jimmy eat world(sucked)
24) Favourite place to be:with friend
25) Least favourite place:school
26) Time you wake up in the morning: Weekdays: 7.30am-ish Weekends: 9am-12pm
27) If you could play an instrument, what would it be:guitar or drums
28) Favourite color: Black
29) Do you believe in an afterlife: Yes
30) How tall are you: 5'4
31) Current favourite word/saying: cow
32) Favourite book: shattered mirror
33) Favourite season:winter
34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: melissa
35) Favourite day: Saturday
36) Where do you want to go: friends house
37) What is your career going to be like: animals, being around them
39) What kind of car will you have: motor cycle
40) Type a line you remember from any book: Your just different
41) A random lyric:the world is the vampire
42) Identify some things surrounding your computer: cd roms, pens, lamp, staples, bateries, comic book,radio
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So bored....
today has been possibly one of the most boring days ive had for a while..I hate being grounded...i didnt even do anything wrong...I've been hanging out after school with my friends(two boys)and not coming home right away, so my mom asumes that im duing stuff with them. Why is it friends trust you more than parents do?
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Saturday, January 29, 2005's been a while since ive been on. well not much happened, exams in the beging of jan. i think i passed all of them...except pe, didnt study for it...umm i got 5 linkin park cds, they are all copied. i love having charable friends! i read
ranma1/2 for the first time...good stuff
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Monday, December 27, 2004
 I:Your Beauty lies
in Sadness. Lonely, depressed and feeling broken. For whatever reason, you see
this world only for the bad that it holds carrying the burdens of yourself and
others. Some people like to be with you and your unique vantage point when they
are down, you are someone who can sympathize with them. But you find yourself
alone again when they seem to find a solution and are happy again, yet you still
are stuck in this rut. Do not worry, you will make it out at some time. Everyone
does, if you try. When you are seen all others want to do is make your pain go
away, but that is something only you can do. You probably keep to yourself a lot
and don't like to let people in, afraid to be hurt again. You feel empty and
helpless and your looks reflect that, often seen with tears in your eyes.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Dark, Earth Animal: Robin Color: Grays, Blacks, Dark
Colors Song: Tourniquet by Evanescence Expression:
Tearful Frown
Aquamarine Mythological Creature: Spirit, Gargoyle Planet: Mercury Hair Color: Blue-Black Eye Color:
"Am I too lost to be saved?"
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
 you represent the hard times in life. you have a hard life yourself and a hidden self many don't know about.
What part of life do you represent? ( AWESOME anime pics ^_^) brought to you by Quizilla
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