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myOtaku.com: HugeFurubaFan

Sunday, October 2, 2005

   Uh oh Spaghetti-O's!
Hey, I'm sorry if I made you guys worried with that last post. You didn't seriously think I would slash my wrists because no-one was payi ng attention to my drawings? Trust me, if I attempted suicide everytime I was ignored I would have been killing myself all the time. And besides, I don't do so well with blood since I saw what realy happens when you slash your wrist...(to self: and I still havn't got those pictures back yet...they were probably suspicious at the photo shop..)
But a huge thank you to mewtohru and ChibiIchigo...I absolutely adore hearing how good my work is and how I can improve..I'm sorry if some of them were a bit blurry....it was only on a little A5 sketch pad that I took with me to France. Ah well....I think I'll go and coment on loadsa other people's art..maybe it'll encourage them...Once again, Arigato gozaimasu to anyone who votes/comments...now I need to find that recipe for gyouza...

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