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Saturday, November 11, 2006
Noe Venable
mama oh mama I don?t wanna come down
not if it?s all like it was on the ground
hiding my feet ?cause I?m too shy to dance
hiding my face behind both of my hands
mama oh mama don?t make me come down
?cause I don?t know what will come out of my mouth
people will hear they won?t know who I am
people will hear and they won?t understand
mama I?ve seen them the others like me
once I could see it was all I could see
the silent procession that crosses the snow
in which skeleton ladies like skeletons go
mama oh mama up here where I?m free
I have seen beauty you wouldn?t believe
Juniper?s ledges and Juniper?s birds
where Juniper?s edges and mine become blurred
mama oh mama if you only heard
the reasons for living the freedom of words
the blooming balloon of a thought being born
safe in the branches of Juniper?s arms
mama oh mama I?m not like you think
some harrowing walker down narrowing streets
if I had my way I would bring the whole world
every sleepwalker and each hungry girl
mama oh mama and old uncle tom
my father the thinker my daughter the song
tell every bell to just wake up and ring
tell this whole choir to just shut up and sing
mama oh mama I?m holding your hand
in these glorious dreams in which you understand
mama oh mama we?re spinning around
mama oh mama don?t make me come down
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well i finally got the internet back and yes i did keep my promiss that i would give you all a treat but please dont laugh at my ugly face, k?
well here ya go!
http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/hotguy.jpg [IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/hotguy.jpg[/IMG]
And its ME!!!
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c118/Kate_Lockheart/Picture345.jpg [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c118/Kate_Lockheart/Picture345.jpg[/IMG]
And Una (my one and only love!!!)
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
hey every buddy^^'
sorry I have been gone for so long, my internet got shut off.
right now i am at school (I'm using my 5th grade teachers computer LOL!)^^
I'm sorry but i must go now.
oh and please leave me love!^^
(when i get my internet back i promiss I'll give ya people a treat ok^-~)
well like i said laterz!
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Monday, October 30, 2006
wut up???
me not much i got off of school had supper paintied a little...
Tomarrow i'm going to a party.
oh ya and for holloween i'm going as a dark castle elf paladin.
Oh and leave love for Sk8erAlchemist cuz he is grounded....I MISS YA BRO!!!TT_TT
so here is a picy for you i hope you like it!!!cuz i luv ya bro cuz your the best!^^
http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/creepydarkangel.jpg [IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/creepydarkangel.jpg[/IMG]
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
Monster Inside Me. Song By A+Punk.
It wont leave me alone...
This house is not a home...
Its a torcher realm for me!!!
Every thing seems to bleed!!!
This monster inside me!!!
Here we beilive its not really me!!!
Whats inside of me?!?!?!
This is not like me!!...
to be this way...
I'm better off alone any ways so...
Just go away!!!
Theres a Monster Inside of Me!!!
Its not like me!!!
Please beilive me!!!
I'm not normal today so just go away!!!
So just leave me here any ways so that i can die alone i want to be alone!!!
Why wont any one listen to me?!?!?!
So say good bye to all I told!!!
Say good bye to me and you...
Say good bye to all i told...
Then you will be saved and my life will end then...
So say good bye to the monster inside me!
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
hello the last post was just to make you confussed^^lol! but right now i'm listening to music vids.....I LOVE FOO FIGHTERS!!!...there and awesome band....the lead singer looks like my dad...^^so wuts up???
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
wuts up sorry its been a while....it was not my falt i sweer to god!!! o.O lol!!! did i make you think that i made una pregnant??? well i did!!! so it was my falt.....good bye...
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Saturday, October 21, 2006
I Leave Love!!!^^
I Leave Love for some one speshile!!! so here is a picy^^
http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/angelbilliejoe.jpg [IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/angelbilliejoe.jpg[/IMG]
and a big hug!!!^^ from billie joe^^lol!!!
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http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/dante-1.jpg![Photobucket - Video an[IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/dante-1.jpg[/IMG]d Image Hohttp://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/Picture285.jpgsting](http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/dante-1.jpg) [IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/Picture285.jpg[/IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/ENIGMA.jpg [IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k141/humanwolf_01/ENIGMA.jpg[/IMG]
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Friday, October 20, 2006
new song oh yeah!!!! by A=Punk.(A.K.A. una wrote it not me.)
Not Normal...
In this world there is no light. in this land there is no life. this is not Normal for. I need the gravity. why you runnin away there still left to say! Tam not Normal today and so are they what ya going to say theres still some hell to pay!
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