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Egypt *lol* I won't give you my real name. XD
Well that's hard...Let's see *thinks for the next 10 hrs.*
Anime Fan Since
Since 6 years old
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist
To become the most awesome-ist person ever in the whole anime world *laughs evily*
Drawing, Playing Video Games, Lifting weights =D
I can do alot of things you know...
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Art is in! So look....if you dare *evil laugh*
Well, check it out. I have submitted a portion of my art work, so check it out. Well, gtg...adios.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I am bored today. I am just looking around the house as usual. I am wondering about what Rosa bought for me since she went to this anime store. Hmm.... i wonder... *hears the alarms going off* Oh, some of my neighbors came in and they are drunk as hell. *lol* So they accidentally turned our alarm off to wake us up. Anyways, i feel a tad bit relieved at what my mom's response to my report card was. Although i feel a tad dissapointed at my grades. So, pretty much i was the one that was angry that my grades where not as high as i would of expected. But still, an 86 GPA average is not that bad. =3 At least i don't have a 68 GPA. Ack! 68 = EVIL!!
Anyways, i was still wondering about what the plan should be for our Senior year. I would really though love to plan to go paintballing (just us competiting against each other though, not with others that will pwn us all. X_x) Though i wanted to know who would like to come. I have some of my friends of SEM that may probably go. But we need more people to compete against each other. Plus, i wanted to find that same place where Taylor and his friends and I went to go for paintballing Freshman year of High Sschool. Note: Maybe i'll ask him... *thinks alot* Well i got to go you all, adios.
(This is off topic but hey...)
This is for those who like anime: (You all will love it!) =3
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Hey everyone! Come to this website. =3
I really appreciate whomever went to the site. =3
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Feeling funny today
I am feeling quite odd today. XP A tad tired and a tad out of place. I just really don't know for sure. o.O I have alot of songs on my lappy. *Hizzah*
Anywho, i have to go sorry i can't talk to you much. I am a tad sleepy, since it is close to being 2 in the morning. Well, gtg.
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Friday, January 7, 2005
I am feeling sick today
Oh....Today is a Friday, which is officially the first weekend of the second semester. Anywho, I am feeling a tad bit woozy today. But oh well...Anywho, i made this incredible photoshop image you all have to see. I truly did like it. =3 Well, i gtg, school is usually the business today so i am off. Adios.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
For you High School people like I...
Although this is a tad late, put this into action NOW!! I am serious. Listen to what i found on a web site i found today. Listen carefully to what this says and do not make the same mistakes others have made.
Oh, also some ideas are for dudes also, so do mind ladies for it okay?
Well, I've been out of high school for some time, and I'd have to disagree. Treat all of the women you meet with a measure of respect, and be honest with them, because in three years when you meet that ugly chick you bagged when you were sixteen and never called again, you're going to find out that she's gotten very hot, very smart, and wants nothing to do with you, and neither do her friends. Once word gets around, your sex life is going to consist of your left hand and any frat buddies you've got that aren't 'completely' straight.
And, no, I don't know this from personal experience -- I'm the guy who, by and large, was always nice, and being polite has contributed more to my ability to get play than anything else, amd I sleep with the kind of women I *want* to cook breakfast for the next day.
This doesn't mean you should be some kind of SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy). Just tell it like is, lend her your coat when she's cold, and wait for her outside until she is safely home when you drop her off. Ask to meet her parents, and show some genuine interest in what they are like. Ask her how her day was -- and actually listen when she tells you.
Basically, be a gentleman to the core.
Save your money. Buying a new cell phone or expensive clothing sounds like a great idea when you've got a $200 paycheck sitting in your wallet from a summer job, but you'll want that $200 more in a few years when you're trying to figure out where your rent is going to come from, because you ran into an unexpected expense. When in college, nobody is going to laugh at you for driving a beat-up Honda, so don't sweat it, because the money you save by not buying wheels and a pimp stereo for your car goes right into the post-college Mercedes fund.
If I had listened to this, I'd have five times the amount of money I do now, and could have paid cash for a house *and* an SLK roadster for my last birthday.
The kids with nice cars in high school and college either have rich parents or ****ed priorities, or both -- most likely one of the latter. When you run into them five years later, most of them will have not graduated, and will still be driving the same car, which by now doesn't look like such a great ride.
Invest. Even a savings account is better than nothing. Buy stock only after you've researched the company, and not because someone gave you an 'inside tip'. Likewise, sell when you no longer believe the company is doing the right thing -- your own research is better than anything the Wall Street Journal will tell you.
Second on being kind to your parents. Surprise Mom by cleaning the kitchen. Surprise dad by cleaning the garage. If you're in that kind of family, surprise your other dad with a pink dress and a new pair of heels. Either way, let them know you appreciate them, because you'd want your kids to do the same for you.
Take care of your body. You can drink, smoke, and do whatever you want, as long as you are aware of the consequences, and as long as you partake in moderation. Nothing is more pathetic than a sixteen year old bodybuilding champion who turns into a thirty year old fat, drunken smoker. So, sure, take a shot with your friends, but pass on the beer bong, and don't smoke unless it's a special occasion.
Keep fit. A fit body is easy to maintain, but it does require effort. An unfit body is harder to maintain, and takes a hell of a lot of effort to change into a fit body.
Try new things, even if they don't sound good -- you might like them.
Spend a year overseas as an exchange student if at all possible, and do it in a non-English speaking country. You will learn more than you can imagine, and have an incredible time. Plus, foreign girls dig on American guys who are fluent in their language *and* act like men.
Another one...
-Start saving money NOW. At least 5-10 bucks a week. TRUST me you'll already wish you had at age 23, and Im not broke.
-Be a friend to yoru sibling, dont let the little BS get in the way
-Be a good son/daughter to yoru parents and LEARN FROM THEM.
- Make sure to talk to your grandparents and call them and ask them about how life was with them growing up. The art of storytelling in America is almost dead, and your grandparents have LOTS of awesome things to tell.
-Treat women with respect, even though they might not do the same to you. ALWAYS BE THE BETTER MAN.
-Do an internship in college with something you WANT to do, not something you feel you HAVE to or society has put on you; otherwise you will be absolutely miserable at your first job.
-Internships DO get you ahead; ex: Investment companies -friend outta college making 90 grand +
-Make damn sure to go out and enjoy the outdoors-odds are you will be in an office for a good portion of your day, maybe rest of your life (IT sucks)
-Be outgoing, personable and get business cards. You never know what contact could be life-changing.
-Hold onto your collegiate books-youll want to reference them later
-Learn. Continuous learning is something you will actually want to do after you graduate and are no longer in school (Weird I know)
-Seriously, the biggest one is to try and sit down and find out what you WANT in life- not what you need or the $$ you want. I promise you a fulfilling job is millions times better than $$, unless you are making a shit-ton.
This doesnt mean you have to plan your life right now, but it wouldnt hurt. Trust me- the earlier you know, the more head start you get, the better your odds at GETTIN that job, and the better your odds of starting higher up the salary chain.
I truly like this quote for alot of reasons...
"leave your ego at the door because you're not the shit and neither is everyone else"
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Don't stop the beat!
I am sleepy today. Ohhh, bummer. I have HW to do. XP But luckily i know how to do it. =D I have to start working out again. I gained 6 lbs during break. *lol* I am such a weight gainer. The funny part is that i don't look it though. But, i have to workout for prom, since i want to at least be buff and stuff *for the ladies you know?* =D. Though i really need to find a prom date. Ohhh, double bummer... XP
(Plays the LoTR main theme)
So, i must start my journey of the incredible venture of finding a prom date. It will be vigorous, hard and tough to achieve such things. Evil beasts and demons, random battles and alot of gil to find along the way. Unitl i find the person i will be with to the prom. *lol* Well, i gots to go yo, see you all.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Something this way comes...It's...It's...TOTAL BOREDOM!! *runs and screams*
Well my first day of school completely sucked. It was boring and tiresome. But luckily it was the day when my mind actually functioned appropriately. *Yay!!* But it ended in total chest pain as well as stomach pain. *cursed oatmeal* It is EVIL i say!! o.O I really though enjoyed talking to all my friends. I talked to Vankala alot today =3. Anyways, i was so paranoid with my laptop. All day i had to worry about what may happen to it. Ugh! I need to find a good protector or a briefcase that can protect my laptop. ;_; Ohhh, poor lappy. Anywho, i am going to make this funkadelic Edward sig that you all will be all like "Wow, that is so cool." =3 Anywho, adios everyone and please everyone that comes here please sign my questbook and leave a comment. Ok? Till next time...
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Monday, January 3, 2005
The cat and the sig.
I bring you all my cat and also a new signature. Since you all pwns. =3 Well first comes my cat, Sweets. It's an evil cat, it always scratches you and jumps and bites you. It's a crazy cat.
Anywho, i have the sig of Kakashi from Naruto. *Yay*
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A day before school starts....bummer
Nooooo! School starts again... tomorrow!! *spazzes out* I didn't even have a good break. ;_; Oooh, I want some more break time. Man, school is unfair in terms of breaks. My mind is still thinking even when winter break started. ;_; Well, at least i don't have Senioritis. *laughs* Senioritis means inflammation of the Senior. Anywho, what do you all think about school and the days we have off?
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