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In daydreamer's world... ^_^
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nickname: Avid Daydreamer
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sailor moon went on the air
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Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Bleach, Digimon, Pokemon, DN Angel, Tokyo Mew Mew, Kingdom Hearts, and many more (i cant remember them all)
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singing, making music, acting, playing tennis and soccer, writing
| hyperfun0130
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Friday, January 25, 2008
Exams coming up soon...
Hey guys! week, I have exams... so I can't go on the computer all week... :(
More bad news: the doctor says I need another week and a half for the cast. :(
Anyways, to cheer up, here's some more fun facts to post!
Did you know...
- that you blink over 20,000,000 times a year?
- that the world's oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old?
- that the Earth weighs around 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons?
- that the oldest known goldfish lived to 41 years of age?
- that some toothpastes contain anti-freeze?
- that most cows give more milk when listening to music?
- that honeybees have hair on their eyes?
- that a mole can dig a tunnel that is 300 feet long in just one night?
- that a giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch long tongue?
thats all I'm gonna post today.
See you guys in two weeks (I gotta study for my exams)... Sorry!
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Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hey guys! About 5 more days until the cast comes off, and I can hardly wait! Plus I got exams next week, and i need more strength to carry my books home for studying. LOL!
Anyways, I found more fun facts!!! YAY!! *people clapping in the background* I hope you guys like them!!!
Did you know...
- that as you age, your eye colour gets lighter?
- that it takes approximately 12 hours for food to entirely digest?
- that the leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk?
- that the ant, when intoxicated, will always fall on its right side?
- that about 20% of gift cards are never redeemed at the full value of the card?
- that Oprah Winfrey and Elvis Presley are distant cousins?
- that the Eiffel Tower shrinks 6 inches in winter?
- that Albert Einstein never knew how to drive a car?
- that the Bible has been translated to Klingon(maybe some alien language?)?
- that a snail can have about 25,000 teeth?
- that a starfish can turn its stomach inside out?
- that owls are the only birds that can see the colour blue?
Well, thats all for now!! Have fun and have a good one!!!

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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hey guys!
Hey everybody! I pretty much used to the cast now, its healing properly, like the doctor said. But my family has history of fast healers I guess, lol.
Anyway, seeing as some of you enjoyed the facts that I posted for the previous days, I'd be happy to post up more!! Here they are!
Did you know...
- that guinea pigs and rabbits can't sweat?
- that the lifespan of a squirrel is about 9 years?
- that human birth control pills work on gorillas?
- that the attachment of the human skin to the muscles is what causes dimples?
- that between 25% to 33% of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light?
- that in 1977, a 13 year old child found a tooth growing out of his left foot?
- that most toilets flush in the note of E flat?
- that oysters can change genders back and forth?
- that the bullfrog is the only animal that never sleeps?
- that frogs cannot swallow with their eyes open?
- that elephants only sleep 2 hours a day?
- that chewing gum while peeling/chopping onions prevents you from crying?
- that mosquitos are attracted to people who just ate bananas?
Thats all for now! Have fun and have a good one!!!
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
No more crutches!
Hey everyone! I don't have to walk around with crutches anymore...just these funky-looking shoes to keep my cast from being bashed and dirty, but they match my clothes! LOL!!!
Anyways, seeing as fun facts are a great hit, i'm posting more!! *people in the background screaming "YAY!"*
Did you know...
- that women burn fat slower than men by a rate of 50 calories a day?
- that the human brain is 85% water?
- that the human body has enough fat to produce 7 bars of soap?
- that kids laugh (on average) 300 times a day, while adults laugh 15 to 100 times a day?
- that laughing lowers stress hormones and strengthens the immune system?
- that it takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown?
- that every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10th of a calorie?
- that every person has a unique tongue print?
- that a sneeze can exceed the speed of 100mph?
- that the first-known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptian in 2000 BC?
thats all for now! Keep smiling and have a good one!

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Sunday, January 13, 2008
Fun Facts mood again!!!
Hey guys! Its my second last day with crutches! Tomorrow after school, I'm going back to the hospital to get these weird slip-ons that i can wear with the cast, so i dont have to walk around with crutches. I know that I might've told some of you that I would do that today, but the doctor feels that I would need one more day for crutches!
Anyways, got more fun facts for you guys, so here they r!
did you know...
- that mosquitos are attracted to the colour blue twice as much as any other colour?
- that there are 25 calories in one Hershey Kiss chocolate?
- that it takes a sloth up to six days to digest food that it eats?
- that tarantulas can live up to 30 years?
- that sharks are immune to cancer?
- that the colder the room you sleep in, the better chances are that you'll have a bad dream?
- that an elephant can be pregnant for up to 2 years?
- that zebras can't see the colour orange?
- that Coca-Cola used to be green?
- that at -40 degrees Celcius (sp?), a person loses about 14.4 calories per hour by breathing?
Have a good one!

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Saturday, January 12, 2008
Im in a fun facts mood!
Hey guys! Hope you guys are doing good! I'm pretty much used to the cast now, lol!
But, knowing how weird I am, I'm in a fun facts mood! Its when I enjoy reading fun, weird, random facts on the internet! As a matter of fact, I'm in the mood to share a few right now!
Did you know...
- that with a certain rare medical condition, men can breastfeed babies?
- that there are as many chickens on this planet as there are humans in this world?
- that a single chocolate chip gives a human enough energy to walk 150 feet?
- that a kiss for one minute can burn 26 calories?
- that one hour of shopping burns 210 calories?
- that dancing for 30 minutes burns 240 calories?
- that walking for one hour burns 270 calories?
- that sleeping burns 60 calories per hour?
- A turtle can breathe through its butt?
If you want to hear more, PM me!!!
Anyways, have fun and have a good one!!!

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Friday, January 11, 2008
Hi everyone! Thank goodness its Friday!!! I barely survived school today, with the cast, crutches, plus carrying my backpack and struggling up and down the yeah. That was basically my day. I was almost late for my second period class cuz I took a lot of time going up the stairs...and no one wanted to hold the door open for me...*sniffle, sniffle* oh well, when monday comes, the doctor "might" give me these special sandals to put at the bottom of the cast, so i could walk with the cast without crutches. Im looking forward to that!
Anyways, have a good one!

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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Cuz im broken...
Hi everyone. Bad news...broken a cast, and have to be on crutches for 3 days (for the cast to get hard) and walk around with the cast on my foot for a whole week! It sux so bad, and my foot is on pillow while im on the computer. But anyways, dont let me spoil your day. Just pray for me that it heals properly.
So have a good one and all of you, STAY SAFE!!!

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Hey guys! It was back to school 3 days ago, and grrr...i already have 3 BIG projects to work on, all due either next week, or in two weeks. 2 of them are worth 30% of my final mark, so i can't afford to get a low mark on it.
Im so tired though, i have to wake up at 6:30am every morning...its not my fault that im really slow at getting! But i so want to sleep in until 11am. Oh well, at least i found some spare time for myOtaku.
Anyways, have a good one everyone!

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Monday, January 7, 2008
Grrr...we got homework...
Hey everyone! Sadly, I'm back at school and my teachers gave me homework and a project due at the end of the week. The holidays could've lasted longer...but oh well. I wanted to fall asleep in my classes today. I'm not used to waking up at 6am anymore. During the holidays, I'd wake up at 11am. LOL!
But anyways, i had fun with my friends, just chilling after school.
Oh yeah! It's surprisingly warm was 10 degrees this morning and 13 degrees in the afternoon! In my classes, it was soooo hot, literally! All because of global warming...grrr.
Have fun and have a good one!

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