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myOtaku.com: HyuugaHinata5

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Hey! I'm a regualer normal person *cough cough*...who just happens to be overly obsessed with anime, drawing, and cheese (ok so maybe I AM crazy) I'm hyper so if you don't like hyper active people....STAY AWAY! the only time I'm calm is when drawing...or doodling in class...(NO IT IS NOT THE SAME THING!)

Because I'm lame i like to watch Naruto and Bleach...(NO NOT THE STUPID ENGLISH VERSIONS!) i watch the real thing.

My fav pairings in Naruto are NaruHina, SasSaku, ShikaTemari, ShikaIno, and NejiTen.

In Bleach I really don't care who pairs up with who except Ichigo and Rukia better get together!! Its so obvious that they like each other!

ANYWAY!! bye!!! ^-^