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• I Am Manga
• I Am Manga
• 1990-02-25
• A Boarding School
Member Since
• 2006-09-14
• student
Real Name
• Ben
• Getting where I am now
Anime Fan Since
• I saw Toonami
Favorite Anime
• Outlaw Star, Air TV, Airmaster, Full Metal Panic, Full Metal Alchemist, Ergo Proxy, Battle Programmer Shirase, Bakuretsu Tenshi or Burst Angel in the english, Lost Universe, Hellsing
• Make my own Manga
• Drawing, and being an artist
• Art
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Life is just weird, but friggin awesome.
I was able to find an old friend on Myspace, my Myspace URL is Well this old friend is just the coolest chick I have ever met. She lives up in Juneau Alaska, I used to live up there, best years of my life, and somehow I ended up in Cali, which I hate because It's hot, I don't live close enough to the water for it to be enjoyable, and there are no real mountains close by. So I'm in some small town in Cali, and she in Juneau, I recently find out that she is coming to Cali in the summer, two hours away. I'm just ecstatic.
We had our school play, The Teahouse of the August Moon, a play set in Okinawa about a army guy who goes there cause he is in the occupation forces, and he ends up with a Geisha Girl, and he thinks Geishas are prostitutes but he soon finds out what they really are. The guy is also a pretty big loser, things just go wrong with whatever he does. When he is stationed in Tobiki, a small town in Okinawa, he ends up getting along well with the natives, and turns the town into a brewing company, transforming the small not rich town, into a booming success.
In english we are reading Les Miserables, great book, written by Victor Hugo. Its about, as the title suggests, miserable people, it is set in the time of revolutions in France. Awesome book, totally recommend it, the unabridged that is.
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