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Can't say, it could endanger someone.
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Moony! Fine, it's Addy.
.... I'd rather not say....
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........ well........
heh heh, scaring people unintentionally?...
........ singing.........
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/04/07:
lol i'm a tissue box
Result Posted on 07/04/07:
Now i am happy cuz i like Al ^^
Result Posted on 07/04/07:
Result Posted on 07/04/07:
Result Posted on 07/04/07:
Result Posted on 05/01/07:
eeeeew preppy
Result Posted on 04/16/07:
Are You Okay? (Quick Quiz, Long Results, Quotes Included, Anime Pictures)
 You Are On The Brink Of FallingYou are about to fall off that cliff into the world of hateful sorrow and tears. Do me favor, look at your life now. Then look at your life in the future. What is in the future? Dark holes and lies? Or love and understanding. Now is your choice. If you see nothing in your future then i can not stop you from falling. If you see something else just weigh out your possibilities. becuase once you fall down, it is incredibally hard to get back up with a broken life. It's funny how certain things trigger memories. Songs, smells, and suchsome make you sad and some make you just close your eyes and for that one moment you are captured in the pastlaugh whenever you can.apologize whenever you should.and let go of what you can't do your heart a favor sjust turn around and leaveit may not be what you think you wantbut it's what you need Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/15/07:
Why Do You Want To Escape? (Truth will be revealed. Anime Pictures)
 To Start OverStarting over means that you want to be unknown to whomever meets you in the future. that way they dont know who you were, or anything else from the past. You like it this way because you may be misunderstood, but people whom you have never met nor seen can not judge who you were. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/15/07:
What is Your Bottled-Up Fear (Detailed Results, Anime Pics)
 RejectionYou fear being left behind and never being excepted into the world. You think that no one understands you or your ways. You just want friends and people to love you. You need someone to give you a big hug and tell you that they understand and love you for who you are. Maybe you were rejected many times in the past, or are being rejected currently. But whatever the reason, you will find that person that will understnad. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/15/07:
What Emotion Are You? (8 Results, Detailed Results, Anime Pictures)
 LonelinessYou are lonley. You may not think people love you. You may not be excepted into other's lives. Maybe you are called a freak and shunned for whatever reason. There is someone out there that will except you for who and whatever you are. And who the hell cares what the other's say?!! they dont freaking know a thing about you! You should lift your head high and show that you dont care about what they say. (i had to do it many a time last year.) and you will see much of a difference in yourself. =) Take this quiz!
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