Hola! I would have posted sooner but myo was having some server difficulties! Grr Im not patient! ok I’ll start off about the convention mmk? It was the most fun I had in awhile, we partied but I got pretty tired of talking and hanging out. It was basically the same as last year. The 8th graders have a hotel room to theirselves. YES! I shared a room with vanessa, nancy, liz, and erin kind of. =) yup then later at like 7:45 we attended the lame convention. beta club administrators gave their speeches. Then we elected new beta club president, the campaigns were awful…no offense lol, it was a total waste of time. Id rather spend that time taking pictures of people=) they eventually got pissed cuz I took the camera everywhere…OCOME ON. Sucks cuz they all turned out blurry, I swear I wasn’t shaking!
Then the bad luck…...first we get locked out because we go to the vending machines to get ice and all of us forget that we need our keys. OH &Nancy was in spandex AHHAHAHHAHA I still laugh at that. =] Anyway Mrs. Johnson was surprised cuz were considered “the brightest students”. It wouldn’t have been a big deal, but of course there has to be gay neighbors complaining on us. “Exuse me sir, Is this a hotel you are running? Whats happening? I mean this is ridiculous! Ridiculous!” said the crazy feller. >:o We weren’t even making any noise. luckily the manger guy came and opened it for us. Then Mrs. Johnson went around and taped the doors cuz we arent allowed to leave after 11 pm. Around 12pm mrs. Johnson suddenly knockes on our door and we open it. Then she goes “pack your bags, your tape is undone, call ur parents now!” now we never touched the door…she was considerate cuz nancy the perfect straight a angel student that she is would be the last person to get in trouble. So she believed us and we could stay for good! Thank you J
Later Parris who is Vanessas boyfriend pranked us. It was unexpected but well planned because we were already afraid as it was. But the entire night was of phone calls! Shhesh I had no idea how much my friends talked! But there would literally be a phone call every 5 minutes. Me and and nancy couldn’t sleep. the most was like an hour. Everybody in the other rooms were still awake too. Yup then the next day me liz and nancy woke up at 6 and went to the work out room. Then we chilled with some friends in the hottub and talked and stuff. Then ate breakfast got ready and attended the rest of the convention. Franklin won the talent show cuz of the clayton kid who played a really hard violin piece. DamN he was good! Like a professional there was a standing obayssion. Yes and then franklin won like five other awards and Nancy won the math competition award. Horray get into the falcon spirit!
Later we walked to arbys for lunch and headed on home. I immediately fell asleep when I came back. Well that was a really long post. So Ill leave it at that. You don’t have to read this whole post. Just comment me!! and I will love you. Today is Friday and I did nothing after school. People invited me to go to the movie “Date movie”. I decided not to cuz Vanessa wasn’t coming and plus too many random people and guys were going. So Ill have to see what happens tomorrow. Well that’s it for my week. One more important thing! Today or 2/17/06 is my love Vanessa or Bebopinutirgun188 14th Birthday! I want you to wish her a big happy birthday! Alrighty ill try to get to your sites everybody!~Jiba