Hello everyone^^ its about time Najibah posted on her otaku right? I’m sorry if you have been visiting me, while I haven’t been updating! Thought id quick post before i go to the Jefferson invite. I hate waking up early!! saturday is my day to rest and sleep in. ok well im feeling nervous though i doubt ill be running in alot of events. my legs are out of shape cuz i didnt run yesterday. When i get back ill go in to detail about my week back from spring break and the track invitational.
ok well I was about to post in the morning but i completley forgot to click the add post button! but atleast nobody went on the computer and crossed off the box. well okay this week went by slowly but yet fast...We had a track meet against lincolm on wednesday and it didnt rain!! it was about to though cuz half of the sky was sunny and the other was cloudy and dark, pretty spectacular. well my events were the 800 or half mile. I placed like 8th out of 15 in 3:35 sucked compared to my friends, they beat me by like 20 seconds! BLAA well this was my first meet so im hoping to improve.
Thursday we pretty much had the whole 8th grade go to the bowling alley across the street in reward of taking the state tests. I sort of lost Vanessa in the crowd so we ended up getting different lanes. After a while i got tired of hanging with the lame group and sarahs laughing...shes so weird xP So i decided to hang out with other peoples and that got boring too. But I cant complain because we got to skip our last 2 classes. Later that night we went to the Beta club ceremony where the leaders presented their speeches and the students were recognized for their good citizenship and volunteering for the community.
Then Friday was awesommme. After school I decided to hang with my friend Kate because I didnt have track practice. We planned to go to the mall but instead we walked to her house. We rode bikes to the park and sad hi to strangers and later had pizza yummm. I brought back my childhood memories, good times!
And as for today i attended the invite and ran in the 1600 or the mile. I placed 5th with a time of 7:35! i paced myself so i could race the girl infront of me on my last lap! I could barely breath when i finished! after i had calmed down me and my friends just hanged around then i had to go. But Franklin definately won the invitation! They will read out the top runners monday morning over the intercom and maybe ill hear my name!! lol well i have to be going now. I have to get started on my ffiing projects. So Im going to be very busy this sunday..Oh and we have softball practice tommorw. Haha these days ive been so active. Wow i better end this post its getting really long. well talk to you laters love ~jiba