Hello everybody! I haven’t been here at the otaku for so long. I’m not surprised that i got 4 comments on my last post. I seem to be very lazy and busy these days. One word to describe me right now is tired. My week pretty much consisted of homework and tiring track meets.
Yesterday we ran against Chatham Middle School. So many people came, I didnt know any of them at all. My friend Ashtyn knew all these people from her gymnastics or something. There were a few good runners, not to mention hot guys, or maybe it seems that way since the boys at our school are ugly. But anyway some of the Chatham people got better times than the best people on our team!! Which tells how well we are going to do in sectionals and state, that is if we qualify for it. I still dont know if we won the meet lol. Well anyway Franklin did an awesome overall.
And you want to know my times...ok me and my friend Katie sort of skipped the 1600 because we thought there were two heats for it like the other track meets, but I guess not. so we ended up missing our events. That’s too bad for the team not that i wanted to run. So we decided to make that up by running the 800.. which we later found out was the other event that we were already supposed to run in. lol so yeah that was pretty easy, I ran the half mile in 3:22! Wohoo I have improved 10 seconds. I also threw the discuss. I was kind of upset that my farthest throw was like 30 feet! Lol
Yesterday was a half day so Vanessa invited me to go to the mall with her. We went shopping for her confirmation dress. We pretty much spent 3 hours roaming around for the dress. We even went to the massaging chairs! Which im never going to do again because it felt like it was stabbing us, i suggest that you go to a real massaging place lol. Later we went to the arcade but I never got to play DDR because these two guys who purposely went in front of us, they knew that we were going to play after we left to get vanessas credit card. So we stayed there for like 10 minutes and watched them show off their dancing. Pshh i could do so much better lol. But then I had to go home because my parents decided to get all mad at me because I didn’t inform them about going somewhere after school. Now they think im irresponsible. BLAh I don’t know if I grounded but he was like are to never go anywhere without or permission again UgHGH
well anyway just thought Id let you know about my week so far. Tomorrow there is another track meet so wish me luck! Hopefully I can get better times. well talk to u laters love ~jiba