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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
My sister just bit my the knee.
So, today, I haven't done much of anything...I got up, watched Price is Right, got online, and then I looked up some stuff for mom about restaruants at Disney. That took a really long time.
After that, I just really sat around and didn't do anything. I showered, and then I went over to my G'ma's house for dinner. She made beef and noodles and mashed potatoes. Not to mention Starlight Cake for my mom's birthday, because we weren't in town to celebrate that particular day. Auntie Jo came over too. After eating, Shitz and I just played "life story" with our iPods. That was amusing. Then we left. Now I'm here.
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Monday, July 17, 2006
This entry is really going to wear me out, and all of you who read still.
Okay, I haven't updated since June 22. That's a REALLY long time. There was a huge storm here and my surge protector got all screwed up after lightning struck. I haven't had Internet since, and I've been at the lake. But luckily, my dad bought a new surge protector, and I can get online all I want now! ^^ Wee!
To my friends on here, hello all! I missed hearing comments and reading how everyone else was!
Back to my life! So basically, ST finished up nicely, with 2 wonderful shows. I was fantastic! I even hang out with a few friends from ST still. One even wants to date me, but I'm not too cool with that right now. School's starting in less than a month, and I'm in 3, count em, 3 AP classes, and I don't have time for a relationship right before college. But I won't get into that. I just don't like guys forcing kisses on me right in public either. There you go.
Life has been peachy at the lake. Lately it had been very hot, so we went swimming a lot, we as in, my family and my best friend Cob. I went to see Seussical the Musical not too long ago. That was REALLY great. I really liked it a lot. And the actors were very impressive.
I have seen PotC: DMC (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest) three times so far. I love the movie so much and loved the scene with Will Turner's shirt getting ripped off. I haven't blushed in a theatre for a long time. o_O If you haven't seen the movie yet, I seriously recommend you go and see it right away, it's definately worth the money.
Speaking of money, I still haven't gotten a job. Oh well. There's really no point now, I won't have that much time during school. So, laziness payed off! No job for the Lee!
I get to go to Disney World next week! We leave on Saturday morning! I'm so excited! I've been there once before, but we're staying longer this time, and I just love feeling like a kid when I'm there. Princesses, here I come! Wee! I love Disney stuff! I even watched Pocahontas II this morning on Playhouse Disney for no reason what so ever! XD
Other things that I've done so far this summer include:
-hanging out with my friends outside of ST, (Nicole, Marx, Jared the most, but Christina, Courtnina, Adam, Will, Wes too)
-hanging out with Chloie, she breaks the bonds of friendship, she's outside of that!!
-got some pirate toys from Mickey Dee's
-had my family come up to the lake, uncle tony, mary, aunt tonnie, g'ma
-went to the fair with some friends, wes got 2nd place in kareoke
-re-read gravitation
-played more Sims 2 for PS2 than anyone needs too
-finished reading the poisonwood bible, still need to do my work, but i finished the book (which is GREAT!)
-saw Pirates (at midnight and 2 other times!)
-went tubing a lot with Chloie and Shitz
-saw an awesome performer at the firehouse (Final Fantasy)
-had a ton of fun, and still have time to have fun!!
Oh yes, my birthday is coming up! Only a few more days! Well, more than a few, but after Disney, it will be more like 2 days! Wee! Hopefully I can get the 2 ROD the TV dvds that I don't own yet!
Love you all!
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
wow! it's been awhile!
Basically, my live has been dedicated to ST recently, and I can't say I'm complaining...well right now I am, because my feet hurt really badly. Let me just say one thing right now. I love Minnie Fay. I also love Irene Molloy, and Horace Vandergelder! They are so smexeh, let me tell you! XDD
I"m really really hungry right now. I'm fixing a pizza right now in the oven, but I need to change my shirt, it's new and I don't want 'za on it. XD
I'm so tired too, I just got worn out so much.
I don't know if I'm happy about this week almost being over...I am, but I'm not. There are ups and downs, one big downer...>< Not seeing the new friends I made everyday.
Well, my 'za's getting done, I need to check [as] on something, bye!
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Monday, June 19, 2006
Tengo hambre. J'ai faim.
I'm really hungry. Okay, I left you on a cliff hanger with my last entry about hating going to the lake, but this weekend there didn't turn out to be so bad.
On Friday, I took Nicole up to go to this concert with me because I didn't want to go by myself, but my sister ended up to be able to go, so she went too. We walked around and got food and played in the beach and in the fountains and stuff. The band got really annoying, well the second band, the first one wasn't all that annoying. It was a classic rock concert that my parents always go to every year, but they have different bands every year too. After that, we went to the grocery store and then we went back to the lake. We just sat around talking for a long time, then we played Sims and went to bed soon afterwards.
The next day, Shitz went to Cob's, so Nicole and I made some water balloons and exploded them in the road. XD We called up Jed too and he came over about 2:00 or so, I don't really remember. Then we went tubing and swimming. Then we were tired so I put in the Nightmare Before Christmas and we all fell asleep on my floor. We woke up at about the time that Dad was done BBQ-ing chicken. Yum. ^^ After that, we just walked around, my sister got home too, and then Jan came over, my mom's friend, and Nicole and Jared left. Shitz and I played Sims, and then I was still tired and I went to bed.
The next day, Ansgar was supposed to come up to go tubing but it was so cold and rainy that we couldn't do that, but he came up and played Eye Toy and DDR and stuff which was fun. I'll miss that kid. I'll miss him a lot. He was a pretty sweet German chico. After we took him home, Shitz and I just hung around, played Sims, watched Family Guy, and stuff. Oh yeah, we gave Dad our Father's Day cards and stuff yesterday too, since it was Father's Day. ^^
Today I have ST again, of course, and I have to stay after today...but there is nothing in our house that I want to eat...and I'm really hungry...><
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
I'm really pissed off.
I hate going to the lake, I mean, I guess I don't mind it sometimes, but I really am mad because I have to fucking stay up there tonight just so I can come home the next day to go to ST practice which mom seems to think is such a big deal. She doesn't understand that ST and Hello Dolly, Minnie Fay, Mrs. Molloy, Vandergelder, and the boys are really, really important to me. I don't know what's wrong with her. I'd be happy staying home by myself for the rest of the summer. It would be much more livable and amusing for me, let me tell you.
So, today, ST was alright. Caroline and I had a lot of fun wanting to kill people, napping, and doing 1-3, and Elegance. She's like 1/6 people that I can stand anymore there.
Last night, Nicole, Jared, Ansgar, my sister, Will and I hung out at my house watching Harry Potter 4 and playing DDR and Eye Toy. It was a lot of fun. I'm going to do something else soon, I hope, besides going to the lake and having my life be secluded from people I care about. Where anytime I really, really want to see my friends, it's the biggest deal in the world.
Still pissed off,
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Yesterday, a transition.
I'm really sorry to everyone that I haven't been commenting on, particularly, Mrs. Elric, Mysterious Rei, and Fraiken because they are usually kind enough to comment for me. With ST, it's just been hard to find time to do all of that and keep up with my RPs and learn.
Basically yesterday, I didn't do a lot of anything. I woke up, went to ST for 5 hours, got a text from Jared during that, hung out with Marx, Caroline, Maya, Will, Alana, Blake and Aaron at ST, and then I went home and played some DDR. I got back on the internet and re-registered at so I could use their chat rooms. If anyone wants to look me up there sometime, the name is
Today, I need to call up a few people so I can have them over for another night of Ansgar fun. XD. I'll probably just call Jared, Courtney, and Nicole. ^^ That should be fun. I hope Courtney's not busy...><
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I skipped a day, yet again!
Well, first off, I'd like to give a shout out to my cousin, Maryohki, and hope she's having a good time in Europe, and apologize for being kind of abrupt on the phone. There was good reason though. I'm sorry.
Alright, Sunday wasn't the greatest day of my life, but it wasn't the worst either. I woke up when Marx called me, and pretty soon afterwards, my sister, mom and I went to Ansgar's openhouse. That was okay, I saw some friends and then I called Courtney who just got home from SC. After Ansgar's, I went home and chilled until about 7:00, when I went to pick up Nicole to go see Cars at the Eagles. That was more exciting than The Omen. XD, I went with Marx, Tina, Adam, Nicole, Shitz, and Brian. We went back to Brian's afterward and played Balderdash. That was funny. I was pretty good at it!
Yesterday was a good day. I had ST, which I was completely drained so it was hard to be focused, but I was okay. I was tired because I woke up due to my parents destroying my bathroom. They are remodeling it. They're taking our new bathtub in right now actually. ST was alright, minus the fact that I forgot about Motherhood March and I have to stay an hour afterward today just to do that. Oh well. After ST, I went home for awhile, got some food, and then at about 6:20, I left for Manchester to go to the firehouse. Me and Shitz met up with De Cob (Chloie) at Pizza Hut and had a great time there, let me tell you. Then we went to the Firehouse. The first band wasn't that great. I introduced Cob to Nicole, Marx, Jared A., and Brandy. She ended up liking them ^^. Which made me happy. Will was there and he hung out with us for a long time too. Ladyfinger played last night, and they put on a really good show I thought. Chloie bought their cd, and then I took her back to her car and we parted ways, after goofing off a bit and making jokes. XDDDD
I don't know what I'm up to today. Hopefully something good! ^^
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
A wonderful Friday...not to mention a great Saturday!
Okay, to start, this entry is going to be pretty long, it makes up for two days of my life.
Well, Friday morning I had to get up early to go to piano, which went okay. I mean, better than it could have been fo' sho. I went to ST as usual, which was really fun because I was in a good mood, but Caroline wasn't and we don't link arms anymore. XD After that, I got lost going to Emily's house, but eventually found it, and tried to give Marx directions there. He was going in an opposite direction, and once we figured that out, it went smoothly. We went to Emily's to watch Hello Dolly, but I was late and Marx was late so Emily went outside and talked with me forever. She is so cute! I love her to death. I told her about our duo partner routine for the past two years, and she loved that, she was really estatic. Then Marx and Doofy got there and we watched the movie, and ate pizza.
After that, I was going to have a party at my place, but mom and dad said if Nicole was willing to have it instead that they would be happier. So I made my way to Nicole's and played Shakira again with Nicole, Krista, and my sister, Marx came out pretty soon after, and I called up Brian and he came too! Jared stopped by after a trip to Ft. Wayne as well! So it was a great group of people having a great time. I loved hanging out with everyone again, but then I got sad because Brian's leaving like 2 saturdays from now...>< which is awful. But that is why we are hanging out so much now! We played Eye Toy a ton at Nicole's and I had the Grandpa cup! (I wanna be the poppa you can be the mom...oh oh) We discovered some different modes of eye toy like tag and such, that was great! Then I went home and watched Family Guy and Futurama.
Saturday I woke up about noon because of Mr. Black rubbing on my face (my cat) and then I took a bath and got ready to go the Strawberry Fest which sucked at first because it was grossly cold outside and rainy too. But I had to make a little speech and dance a little, I met up with Marx there, and I talked a lot with Will. I went to the Vaudeville show at the Eagles which was totally worth my time. Shitz and I sat with Will and then Kelsey came down too. I saw Brian but I had a dilemna, and didn't know what to do, so I stayed with Will. After the show though, I went and talked to Brian, his mom was in the show and was cute, as well as Adam, Nate, and Will V., so I talked to Brian for a long time, and then I saw Marx and parted with Will and went to talk to Adam on stage. We planned a party at Jared's!
Then I went to Asian Buffet with the family. ^^ Yum! And Calvin was there too! Yay Calvin! Then I went home, and was really really really tired.
About 7:00 I headed out to Jared's and thought I'd be the first one there, but lo and behold, I saw the car of Nicole in the drive! I didn't think she would be able to go so I was naturally thrilled to see my baby girl! She and Jared were baking cookies, which turned out fun! And Shitz and I joined in on the cooking, then I went to play DDR shortly after Brian arrived! Yay Brian! Then we played DDR for a long time. And Adam called me, or I called him, I don't remember, and I took a long walk in the squishy yard, which was great. I took Nicole on a walk with me too. Then Nate and his girlfriend Sara came back with Jared's parents, who were entertained by eye toy, as we were setting it up. We played Eye Toy for a bit, then I think Marx and Christina got there, and Adam came somewhere around that time too. We started making up ridiculous pictures for our Eye Toy pictures and made a few songs, played tag. I played one round of tag on Brian's back when I was the guy with the lawnmower. Some of the pictures included...
-The guy with the lawnmower
-Young Jared and Nate
-the oreck guy
-the eagle
-some Japanese guy
-Johnny Depp
-a tea kettle
-etc. There were many more, I'm just having a hard time remembering all of them.
After that mayhem, we played normal and tried to get some group shots in, but we failed a few times. Once we got the real one, we just started playing again. Chloie called during all of the Eye Toy fun and said she could go to the firehouse. Adam was also Madame Kane. Which was fun to listen to French and speak with him and make fun of a few people in French. One of them being Madame herself.
I soon had to part and gave a lot of goodbye hugs to everyone, which was sad because I was having too good of a time to leave. >< Oh well! I'm sure that there may be another party very soon...*wink wink, hint hint*
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Friday, June 9, 2006
Yesterday seemed so long. Everything I was doing seemed like it was taking forever to get over with until after ST, Marx asked me to go to Mi Pueblo's with Christina, Eric, Jacob, and Bryce, but I don't like Mexican food so I didn't go. Nor did I have money...but I went home and got online a little bit, then I texted Nicole and went over to her house about 7:00. It was a fun girls' night, Shitz, me, Nikki-san, and Krista. Krista's hair is really cute too. We danced on the counters and such, and acted like Shakira, and stuff, we ate pizza, listened to music, then we went to Family Video and Wal*Mart. I saw Lisa, my dance teacher and Emily at Wal*Mart, well, actually I saw Lisa at Family Video. We didn't get a movie, then we went to Wal*mart and did the usual, looked at stuff. We got these cute flip-flops for only a dollar a pair! ^^ After that, we went back to Nicole's and played about three rounds of Eye Toy, then hugs were shared, and Shitz and I went home.
I watched Evangelion last night, it reminded me of what taking drugs must be like. I had to get up at like 8:00 this morning, and I just got back from piano. I don't know what's up tonight, hopefully nothing much, maybe a little party, who knows...
*listening to Mr. Brightside*
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Thursday, June 8, 2006

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