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Sailor Moon came to the U.S.
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Rurouni Kenshin, CCS, Hot Gimmick
Christianity, Drawing, videogames, computer, stuff like that!
Um..drawing! Yay! ^_^
| I lurv Kenshin
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
....I'm so tired all of a sudden.Have you ever been fine and then had a wave of sleepiness come over chuu? XDD
Well sleepy-ness aside! Yaay! Anime Expo ish like right overthere! -points to saturday- YAY! I hope Checkerboard Punk can guuu! I can gu fer sure now! And since it's almost here, I guess I don't have the stuff to be my ninja character in time! But I really wanted to cosplay, so....I AM! BWHAHAHAHAHA! And guess who I'm gonna be!
Do chuu give up!!??!?
Okay! I'm going as Misha from Pita-Ten in here school uniform!! If you don't know who she!

She's sooo cute! And says 'su' after everything!

And here's the costume from the back!
So far I've got my dad's old loafer's (there kinda big and dusty..XD;; ) my mom's panty hose, and the shirt part!(The shirt was also my dad's and it's REALLY big! So I gotta pin it and put bow's on it XDDD) My mom found TONs of left over with fabric (from who knows where O_O -twilight zone-) to make her bunnies by sewing & stuffing them with cotton or something. I need to cut out the collar too and sew on the lining part! And the skirt...ish gonna be toughest ta make. My mom ish buying some fabric fer that part and the bows! n_n;; And as fer the ruffles...I wanna tear out the fluffy lining of a flower girl dress I wore fer my aunt's wedding a looong time ago, but my mom's like "Nuuuu! I'll see if they have any lace a Wal-Mart!" XDD;;;)And I gotta get purty black lace too. And a couple years ago me and my sister got hair dye fer Christmas. I got blue and she got pink. So I'm gonna TRY and dye my hair pink, but if it look aweful, I'll just go with normal hair XD;;)
And yah! I hope i can get everything together on time! I'm still kinda sad I dun getta be a neen-ja though. Ezi are you gonna go as your OC? I talked to Checkerboard and she said she had everything fer hers! So if you do, when we go we'll be the two ninja's and an angel! XDD
Well that's it! (That was a LONG post O_O!)
How's everyone's summer? AWESOME!? I hope sooo! Teacher's give out too much summer work though! AUGH! I mean, c'mon it's summer!
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