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LaZy As CaN bE
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Volleyball, Singing, Music in General, Drama, Anime, MTV, hanging w/friends, talking online, acutally, just plain talking.
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Thursday, January 8, 2004
Like wat I did guyz? I added Paine,Leblanc,Shuin, and Lenne! (happy now Hearts Mind?)If u guyz didn't know dis, Yuna means moon, and Tidus means Sun. also a sun is a star and stars eventually fade (dug dat part up on my own. science iz actually helpfull wat do u know) Yuna also meanz a type of flower. (d 1 on her kimono in FFX) Lenne iz actually pronounced "Ren" It means melody, love, romance, and other stuff. Yeah...anyway, does any1 here read or listen 2 any of Shakespeare's playz? I have 2 4 skool. we have a festival tomorrow. booring... I have 2 go though. 2 bad I can't sleep thru it. we have 2 tell the teach's wat it means after we watch it. Snoresville. Ciao! I gotta get some sleep cuz I wun b gettin any tomorrow.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Woo Hoo!!!
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Oh yeah!! uh huh! *dances around* don't try and stop me! I told yall dat I don't have skool until dis Thursday right? Well They postponed d 1st day of skool 4 next Thursday! Oh Oh OH Oh Yeah!!! woo hoo! ^_^ get 2 play FFX-2 till next week! Dat paper I have 2 do iz gonna b typed in 11 ft. Does dat sound harder Hearts Mind? It should! GOd I won't b able 2 do it! After d paper, I have 2 get up in front of d whole skool and give a thirty minute presentation from wat I learned after writing dat paper! God! 2 top things off, My skool makes u put openers. I bet u don't know wat dat means and boy I nv u! Enough about my down life! I'm gonna go and catch dat fish!
Ciao! :3
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Monday, January 5, 2004
PPL I need Help!!!!!!!!
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Hey Guyz! ^_^ U know I luv u all right? Save Me!!! I have 2 do a fuckin paper 5 fuckin pages long! About France during the 1500's to 1750's! `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`
anywayz..... I decided 2 delete KawaiiaKelala and just go back 2 my old 1 (got tired of puttin s/n's)It's OxTrueAznPinayxO. I have another 1. It's XxYuna4evaxX. dat 1's barely on though. If u have msn messenger my name is Yuna4eva so add me 2 ur list.
Ciao! ^_^ gotta catch my stupid fish dat ran away!
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This is a test so don't get mad at me if it doesn't work. anyway 2 bad 4 yall who r already at skool. hehehehe I start on Thursday. g2g Bye
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Sunday, January 4, 2004
yup yup yup
Hey guys! ^_^ I haven't been on 4 a while. did ya miss me?...... didn't think so. :P ...... so I found dis site: Link Text :3If u haven't gone there 4 away messages, ur kinda missin out on d funny messages. ^_^ Jut wanted 2 share dat w/ya! c ya guyz, and have a great time at skool on Monday... or Tuesday.... Or wednesday.... awh Hell lets just say have a great time at skool this week.!
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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Oh yeah! A hundred visits! oh oh oh oh! ^_^ Nothin much right now Bye
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
omg omg omg! Must have...... FFX-2..... *sigh* had d funnest time playin it! It is sooo gonna b mine 2morrow! Gotta use my secret stash, ^_^ I luv it! It's better than d oder 1. Any of yall go on chibifriends? If so.... cmail me. I'm iamd14u2nv. not dat hard ^_^ I'm hooked on Yuna again. I ( I thought I already past this stage) She's soo kool. dis gurl on chibifriends is almost as hooked on her as me. (almost is d key word) My cousinz say dat Rikku is hotter than Yuna. Boyz.... help me out here. who do u thinkz d best? oh well..... gotta go My toast iz burning.
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Monday, December 29, 2003
Hi guys!
 -Bad- You're the exact opposite of what any guy wants or needs, unless he happens to need a quick lay. You're cruel. You toy with people. You're probably a bitch, and i don't think i'd like you if i met you. Oh go screw a random male already.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh Yeah half and half. If I wasn't so flirty and sexy, I'd b d perfect girlfriend. (Ur such a dreamer nv :P) OH well. it's true cuz my bf iz still w/me since d middle of d last year of skool. I'm faithful! grr..... damn quiz! oops! gotta keep it PG. (yeah right) well.... d 2 Psycho children r not psycho anymore. (their dad rented Final Fantasy X-2) I played it. fun fun fun! ^_^ I soo wanna get it!
Any ppl here homeskooled? I wanna know. I am kinda, I go 2 skool 1 day a week, and my teachers and fellow students r there. They put me in High skool C ( dis skool seems 2 b odd and doesn't put Freshmen like d normal 1's) der r only 3 grades 4 highskool, but u have ta stay in HSE 4 a long time. They teach classical education, how boring is dat?!?!? At least Matt's there. ( my bf) *sigh* dun know y I am tellin u all of dis. I just wuz askin if any of yall were homeskooled. dats me u know oh well..... gotta blast!
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Saturday, December 27, 2003
Save Me!!!!
Help me! I'm stuck at my cousin's house w/my 2 boy cuzs who r tryin 2 cut each others winkie :P and I thought I wuz crazee..... well Merry Christmas 2 u guyz.I got mostly clothes. It wuz fun though opening clothes.....I got a new aol address, It's KawaiiKelala since she's my fav in inyuyasha. I think she's so cute! Well..... gotta go, d boyz r locking each other in d bathroom.
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Monday, December 22, 2003
Merry Christmas!
Hiya! How r u guys?....... really? Good! any of u going out 4 Christmas? I'm going to Houston, and that's bout it. Considering I live in sugarland, that is not far. 4 those of u who have never heard of sugarland, No, it does not rain sugar............. If yall have yahoo, plz add a comment and tell it 2 me so I can IM u. oh yeah! another question, who hear likes lord of the rings? I do!! Legolas is d best!!!!! I watched Return of the King on Saturday, w/my brother,mom,dad, and aunt. My brother fell asleep during the loudest part of d movie :D Little siblings r funny!
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