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Pedro da Unicorn
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I bum off my parents D:
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Real names are for squares, give me a nickname :D
Anime Fan Since
O__O Long time
Favorite Anime
Haunted Junction <3
Journalist for The Onion.... maybe.
Anime, roleplay, cooking, writing, piano, videogames, making things
Drawing, writing, cooking
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Woah-ho-ha. Gina hasn't updated in a really long time. Swoaaaaah! So let me recap everything I've done since August for those who care. I went to school, roleplayed, made internet friends, roleplayed more, worked at a haunted house, made some real life friends, became completely antisocial, drew a few pictures, joined a couple of more roleplays, made some roleplays, volunteered as a child mentor, roleplayed more, kicked ass in composition, sucked at AP euro, roleplayed, studied, roleplayed some more, played D & D, learned to play Magic the Gathering, became slightly more emo, made more online friends that influenced me not to be emo, started listening to different music, roleplayed, drew some pictures, read some manga, bought stuff, became a hermit durring winter break, got drunk, almost went ice skating but changed my plans so i could hang out with my internet friends on new years eve, got a little bit drunk, acted like a n00b, got addicted to harry potter slash once again, wasted my life on gaia, destroyed two threads on gaia (almost single-handedly), got an infatuation with the Shinsengumi, rediscovered MyOtaku.
Fuck yes. That is one run-on sentence. HxC. Oh, yeah. I uploaded some art.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Since my mom's always visiting my grandma in the hospital, I am being left alone with nothing to do. So what do I do? Rolll Plaaaayyy!!! yes folks, my life for the past two weeks has mainly consisted of RP, which isn't bad because it's fun and I made new friends. Friends who live far away, but that's alright. I have 4 character art requests -_-;; I've been procrastinating. Also, the owner of the RP i'm in and I are thinking of turning it into a webcomic, which would be hella cool. Check out the art!!!!!
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
New art. Check it. Now.
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Oh, Canada!
Wh00 h00! I'm in Canada. I like Canada a lot, except for the mosquitos. It's cool, because like every other building in Winnipeg is either a pharmacy or a pizza restoraunt. On the way to the hotel, there was a food store called Foodland, and it was very compelling. Unfortunately, my cousin and i haven't left the hotel yet... Sorry, probably a lot of typing errors... Lap top keyboards are terrible, especially when you have long nails.
Ja ne!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Safe Sex
... the diaphragm...
... lacking of your self control...
Now... stop that, no one wants to hear song lyrics!
Here's another picture of Engel that I submitted. I wanted to draw something cute... instead of just provocative...

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Sunday, July 10, 2005
I'm so bored... i kind of want to make cookies... or go back-to-school shopping... summer sucks... i can't wait until school 0_0
at least i'm going to canada next week :D
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I'm so bored... i kind of want to make cookies... or go back-to-school shopping... summer sucks... i can't wait until school 0_0
at least i'm going to canada next week :D
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hugs NOT drugs!
Maaan... nothing to write about... it's only 3 am though... XP I can't sleep... so I'm here... on the computer eating cereal.
Thursday Andre' and I are going to see Howl's Moving Castle. I've already seen it, but hell, Howl is orgasmic, so I wanna see it again! XD
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Oh Oh! Spagetios!
Mmmm... Batman shaped spagettio's... I am fully capable of making something delicious and healthy from scratch... but once in a while, canned food is just a w s o m e.
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Andre' asked me out on a date today... I don't need to 'like' him to go on a date with him, do I?
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