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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Today's Quizes
Bald Eagle's Wisdom Includes:
Keen sight
Illumination of Spirit
Knowledge of magick
Ability to see hidden spiritual truths
Rising above the material to see the spiritual
Ability to see the overall pattern
Connection to spirit guides and teachers
Great power and balance
Dignity with grace
If you enjoy this quiz please rate, and I may do some more!
Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You? brought to you by Quizilla
Wow... I was supprised that I didn't get a wolf...
 You are Xuan Wu!
Mythological background: Because the turtle has a thick, solid shell that serves as protection - this animal is associated with stability. You enjoy intellectual pursuits.
Also, in Feng Shui (the Chinese myths behind choosing a house), the black turtle's solidity is used to protect from cold northern winds.
Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Todays Quizes
If you want quizes... Just check out my archives...
 You are My Immortal! Sensitive, and shy, when something hurts you, it hurts. People admire your open mind, but it is easy for your mood to change. You like writing moving peices or something that expresess your emotions. Try keeping a journal.
What Evanescence Song Represents You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
 Dreamer Angel! You live in a wonderful daydream.
What kind of Angel are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
 The Lost Soul
What sign of the Black Zodiac are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Faith! Trying to look on the bright side of things, you put every ounce of trust in what you do. Pray every night and keep on being optimistic!
What Virtue Are You? Nice Pics. brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Rennissance Fair
I went to a rennissance fair the other day. It was awsome!!!! I went with my cousin who was too stupid to even speak with an accent. I was sad because I couldn't afford to get a costume... but I did buy a set of ankle bells, a silver gypsyish cuff with a bunch of bells on it... and a walking stick.
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
 Kiss?! You'll kill the one who even thinks of kissing you! The only physical contact you have is when you're beating someone up!
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Probably very true
 You'd turn into a lone wolf! Like a lone wolf you can coup perfectly well by yourself and do not feel the need for others company. However like a wolf you were once part of a pack and you can tolerate and get along okay with people when met with them. You are protective and loyal to the close friends you have but, will always be a true loner at heart
What animal would you turn into? brought to you by Quizilla
 Rebel Girl:
Wow, sorry..ain't gonna stare you again! You're violent and have little patience with pathetic beings, but you can also be very protective and caring with the weak. Relax that Don't-even-think-about-it look of yours and stop scaring people away!
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
 You are not crazy my friend, You are but one of my kind! Good for you. You insist that you aren't insane, but a sane mortal would be smart to stay out of your path. Your lust for blood is insatiable, and you prefer the dark nightime streets and the quiet of classical piano music. You are an eighteenth century vampire. Wow. glad to find more like myself.
Insanity: What form are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, June 28, 2004

What fuzzy creature are you?
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
For all you Harry Potter Slash Fans...
No one seems to like my art. Really crappy art can get a good rating but my art isn't that bad and it gets rated like shit! WTF is up with that?! Bastards! I hate you all who just give it a bad rating to be mean! BURN IN HELL! YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
For all you Harry/Draco slash fans... Enjoy
I didn't draw this.
 Second detachment - Kagura
Kagura is Naraku's second detachment. Using her fan and the wind, she attacks her opponents (Fuujin no Mai), controls corpses (Shikabane Mai) and creates blade-like cuts in the wind (Ryuuja no Mai). She uses the feather in her hair to fly. Although she is one of Naraku's detachments, she hates him, and wants to be free of him. She is also after the Shikon no kakera because of this. Naraku does sense Kagura's hate, but he keeps on using her to do things.
Which one of Naraku's depatchments are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
More quizes that wouldn't fit!
 Goddess of the Moon. You are usually somewhat sad or solemn, but no one knows why. You love the luminous glow of the moon.
What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures** brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Kagome! you like to hang out with your friends and are always the first person to volunteer to show a new student around, you are kind and giving and enjoy having a occasional sleep-over with the girls!
What Inuyasha Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are an Anime Angel. You enjoy helping others and making peace. Everybody comes before yourself and you like it that way.
What Kind of Anime Babe are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Air, wind, atmosphere... you are a cloud dweller. You are friendly to all, but often appear disinterested and lost in your thoughts, meaning most people don't really know your full potential.
Which Other World Are You Secretly From? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are destined to be with Inuyasha! Way to go, You! You just got yourself hooked up with the hunky hero of the story, and an all-around pretty good guy, even if he'll never admit to it. What's that mean for you? Well, so long as you're okay with him pining over a (dead) former girlfriend, the two of you will probably get along great! He'll protect you (begrudgingly), and he'll never let you down...though he tends to be a little late sometimes. Good catch! And remember, if he gets out of line, you can just say that magic little word... "OSUWARI!!"
Who's Your Inuyasha Soul Mate? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 You came from heaven. Your gole in life is to help others and to make the world a better place. Some call you weak, but in reality your soul is very strong. If only more people were like you...
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
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