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Pedro da Unicorn
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I bum off my parents D:
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O__O Long time
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Haunted Junction <3
Journalist for The Onion.... maybe.
Anime, roleplay, cooking, writing, piano, videogames, making things
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Monday, June 21, 2004
 Guys just love...your playful, fighting spirit!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla
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I haven't been posting lately kuz i'm depressed cuz i can't draw...
 -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Sweet Milk Pocky! You're an elitist, since you're not really suited to the American taste. You're sweet, as your name implies, but sometimes you do get a little haughty.
What Kind of Pocky are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a guardien Unicorn! All guardien Unicorns are very powerful and loyal, but they dont like to get caught up in human things, such as love or friendship. They guard all sorts of things or people, such as forests, animals, royalty, shrines, the heavans. Guradien Unicorns are kind and proud and their horn can be crafted into an unbreakable sword. But you'll go through hell to get one...
What kind of Unicorn are you? (With beautiful pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Blue.
Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace with yourself, you don't tend to over react. Although at times you can be quite harsh and cold towards others.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
 Chamomile Tea...
You are Chamomile Tea.
Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and always willing to lend a hand, you take action but not through violence, people listen to you for you have a knack for giving wonderful advice! Many look up to you and you try your best not to let them down. You have many friends steadfast or no who consider themselves lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in the past but you dont let that stand in your way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and try to see the good in people which is an awesome gift!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
 Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty, right?
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what you do best. You collected thoughts and always positive attitude make you very bright and logical. When theres a problem, you know how to approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on you on their problems, and your shoulder for their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and hardly scream, which makes you good with kids. You seem to be in tune with the world and if anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
HAHAHAHA I have two posts for today kuz i couldn't fit all the quizes!
 Which FLCL Character Are You ? brought to you by Quizilla
 FREEDOM... your soul wants to be unbound...
What is your soul looking for?? (images) brought to you by Quizilla
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I still don't have a life
 Angel Wings
What Kind of Wings are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a forest shadow. Your essence is that of the tree or beast that casts you upon the earth. You feel a purpose to be in balance with the cycles of life and are wise and beautiful in your submission to the justice of Mother Nature. You are peaceful in temperament and, though you feel small, your spirit is precious, strong, and mighty as the (green)forces with which it is affiliated.
 My life is rated PG. What is your life rated?
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Monday, June 14, 2004
I don't have a life so I take quizes
 ~Your Dead~ At least you feel like your your dead. Nothing matters to you, not even your own life. Your feeling all the terrible feelings out there like sadness and lonelyness and depression. You feel as if the world hates you and you hate the world and all the people on it. You even hate yourself. You mit as well be dead.Tip,?
what's your level in emotion? UPDATED agin!!!,GREAT PICS brought to you by Quizilla
I'm nothing like that... I thought the picture was kinda cool though...
Your the crazy one. You like to have fun and do outragous things. It's pretty outragous to die your hair green,not like I have a proble. You're funny,wild,silly and a joker. It seems you make the wildest ideas.Hey,keep it up.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
Thats RIGHT! Except... I died my hair blood red instead of green...
 You represent... apathy.
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
I went to my friend's mom's wedding today. It sucked, all us younger people just sat around all day while the adults got intoxicated. Then, my mom was going to bring us all home, but my other friend's mom wouldn't let the rest of my friends leave. I hope they make it home ok.... The adults seemed pretty drunk.
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Friday, June 11, 2004
 You're a Vampire. Vampires were the creatures of the night that were believed to live off of human blood. Count Dracula, being the most famous vampire, set the stereotype. They had dark hair and pale skin from being away from the sunlight. If they actually existed, it's very possible they had the skin disease that made you allergic to the sun so whenever the sunlight would hit it, it would hurt like crazy. They were usually snobbish and control freaks and kept werewolves as pets.(please rate)
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
 You are a LONER. Tho u like being with other people, it's nice to have some time for yourself too. And sometimes people are it's better to be alone and do whatever you like. So yeah...go away!
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Monday, June 7, 2004
The Pool
I went to the pool today, it was rather boring.
Know more about me!
Name: Gina
Birthdate: April 27
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Current location: Wisconsin
Eyes: grey
Hair: blonde w/ blood red highlites
Height: 5'3
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Your heritage: Italian, Sweedish, German
Your weakness: When people get hurt, I'm kinda a bleeding heart. Garlic, the sun.
Your shoes you wore today: black flip flops
Your fears: vomit
Your perfect pizza: REAL Italian pizza, not the fake thick crust wanna be stuff
Goal you'd like to achieve: become an awsome artist
Your thoughts first waking up: probably something involving a dream i just had
Your best physical feature: my legs and my eyes
Your bedtime: sometime past 2 usually
Your most missed memory: sitting around w/ friends listening to a my neighbor totoro sound track and making up a play to go w/ the music
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: they're both disguesting
Single or group dates: group
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla ALL THE WAY!!!!!!
Cappuccino or coffee: both
Smoke: no
Cuss: sometimes
Sing: yes
Take showers daily: no duh!!!
Have a crush: yes
Think you've been in love: yes
Want to go college: yes
Want to get married: uh...maybe
Believe in yourself: yes
Get motion sickness: not at all
Think you're attractive: sometimes
Think you're a health freak: yes
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Like thunderstorms: HELL YEAH!
Play an instrument: yes
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
Eaten sushi: yes
Been on stage: yes
Gone skating: yes
Made homemade cookies: yeah
Gone skinny dipping: HELL NO!
Dyed your hair: nope
Stolen anything: nope - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no..and hope never will
Been called a tease: no
Got beaten up: nope it the other way around! ^^
Age you hoped to be married: uhhh i dont know!
Number and name of children: 2
Dream wedding: during sakura or on halloween
How do you want to die: saving the life of some1 else... something heroic
Where do you want to attend college: an art collage
Dream job: writer, artist
Country you want to visit: JAPAN! or romania ^^
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color: green
Best hair color: doesn't matter
Short or long hair: long, but not shaggy or punkish looking, it has to look sophistocated
Height: taller than me....
Best weight: uhh donr care no unless thier huge
Best clothing: sophistocated or goth
Best first date location: dont know
Best first kiss location: dont know
Number of drugs taken illegally: no
Number of people I could trust with my life: my self
Number of CDs that I own: a lot
Number of piercings: 4 but 2 closed up
Number of tattoos: none
Number of times my name's been in the news: one or more
Number of scars on my body: none
Number of things in my past that I regret.: a lot of little un important things that no one remembers
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