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Pedro da Unicorn
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I bum off my parents D:
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Real names are for squares, give me a nickname :D
Anime Fan Since
O__O Long time
Favorite Anime
Haunted Junction <3
Journalist for The Onion.... maybe.
Anime, roleplay, cooking, writing, piano, videogames, making things
Drawing, writing, cooking
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Today I went clay shooting with my dad and cousin. I didn't get any... maybe because it's my frist time shooting and I haven't even tryed STILL targets let alone MOVING ones! It bothered me soooo much though... My cousin hit a some of them, but he was totally unsafe and careless. I have decided to delete all the art that I have submitted that I don't really like that much or that isn't very good.
Yes... people may say that my art is good (it's really not that great...) but for some reason i am really unhappy with it. If you have some advice for me, please PM me! I NEED HELP!!!!!
 You're a Daydream Neko!!You like to daydream about boys,test results and almost everything else!You sometimes want to live in those daydreams for just a couple minutes to just feel what it's like!You sometimes block out the world with your never-ending daydreaming!
Tonight:Sit down in front of your TV and watch what's intresting.And even if it's really intresting you can even watch those infomercials.
What kind of Neko are you?(for girls only!and really great pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
Your the crazy one. You like to have fun and do outragous things. It's pretty outragous to die your hair green,not like I have a proble. You're funny,wild,silly and a joker. It seems you make the wildest ideas.Hey,keep it up.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 Intellectual Plushie
**X-The Anime Plushie Personality Quiz!-X** brought to you by Quizilla
 Muti-Faceted Gif: You cannot be easily described in any one way. You have many faces, and each work together to make you who you are. You can see every angle, and use this to your advantage. People may often judge you from the first side they see, but if they wait around long enough, they'll get to know the real you.
Your Anime Animated Gif Personality! brought to you by Quizilla
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