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• Pedro da Unicorn
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• 1990-04-27
• Wisconsin
Member Since
• 2003-12-29
• I bum off my parents D:
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• Real names are for squares, give me a nickname :D
Anime Fan Since
• O__O Long time
Favorite Anime
• Haunted Junction <3
• Journalist for The Onion.... maybe.
• Anime, roleplay, cooking, writing, piano, videogames, making things
• Drawing, writing, cooking
Friday, January 28, 2005
The Retro Stapler Shall Be Mine!
Be proud of me! I've been listening to music... thats in ENGLISH!!!! ^_^ . I also don't like Jake anymore and I don't like Sam Binder that way either anymore. I'm considering to ask the person that I do like to possibly go out with me. My chances are practically slim to none. Since neither of us know each other well at all... But... Damn it, there will be no chance of anything if I don't do something, so I guess it will be worth it.
My mom is making me go through therepy. I guess because I was cutting myself. I got to meet my councelor yesterday. My first impression of him was that... he was gay (homosexual gay)?! My mom thought this too... Ha. Well, at least as Ruth said, I'd be safe. Ha. My goals for it are supposed to be to bring my self esteem from a 5 to an 8 and to make and keep two new friends.
And what about Washington DC? I don't really feel like writing about that quite yet, I guess I'm just too lazy.
Today after school my mom took me to the mall. I got some cheap gloves, a blouse (What a stupid sounding word!) from the Gap?! (wtf, you're probably thinking) ,a Senses Fail t-shirt, a "Vote for Pedro" pin, a bluey sweater thing from Pacsun, a bright green belt with studs, and some purfume. Gods, people do spend a lot of money just to smell good!
It's crazy how slight changes in the way somebody dresses or does their hair can make a huge difference in the way they look. I've been dressing a bit nicer (i guess), maybe even a tiny bit preppy!? And I've been parting my hair differently... Not significant changes... But... I think I look a lot different. I think I look better.
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