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| Ice Angel Nikita
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Phsychiatric help 5 cents
I am now the house shrink for my friends and family.Dont ask me how i got chosen for this job i still havent figured it out.*sigh* Im honored that my friends wanna confide in me but its getting annoying.My phone is ringing off the hook as it is with all these stupid boys,now my friends wont leave me alone.I just wanna go somewhere far away and hide for a few months.
I tried asking my friends about my boy problem today.Some of the answers were so different it was amazing.Feel free to contribute.Heres a sample.
Me: Hey mom, why do you think i have so many boys chasing me?
Mom: Because youre beautiful.(LIES!)
Me: Hey Alex, why do you think i have so many boys chasing me?
Alex: Because boys always want what they cant have.It drives them crazy to know they cant have you.
(note to self...never ask alex anymore questions..)
Me: Hey calle, why dop you think ive got so many boys chasing me?
Calle: Because you have an electric personality, and youre aloof with them.You dont treat them any different, you just pretend there not there.It makes them crazy.They want you too notice them. you see why i like Calle.Though alex has a point too...they didnt give me so much as a second glance until i had a they wont leave me alone...*whimper* i need somemore bodyguards.
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
Guess what?! Im at school....bummer.....Im also in a state of vegetation.seriously, someone could be right in front of me and talk to me and my brain would just automatically tune them out.This succesfully pissed my mom off beyond beleif.*sigh* been a bad day...oh well.It could be worse.Shinobi-Force1 youre proof of that.Im sorry.Hope to talk to yah later...Happy saint patricks day all.
p.s. enin-youre crazy, beer kicks ass!
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
 Natural. You believe in an all natural existance, and your beliefs very rarely waver. Probably an active environmentalist, you love to be outdoors and are at home with animals and in the elements. Your special power is intuition. You can sense things that others can't, so I recommend to trust your gut feeling in hard situations.
What kind of person are you? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, March 14, 2005
I like the dark
 You are Dark
You are a dark person. Secretive, and a bit depressed. It's either by problems in your life, or your attitude towards things. People feel depressed or sad whenever they're around you, but it's what you think right? Don't care about what other people think? I agree with you on that, but do take care.
Please Rate and Message!
What's The Girl Inside of You? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. (UPDATED!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Guess happy!
Yes, i am....beleive it or not.
Finally had a good day my friends.yupyupyup.Lots of little good things been happening to me.Almost like everythings falling into feels fucking good.Calle says that fate has ways of dropping you hints when youre doing something right or made the right decision.I beleive her.Maybe things are finally starting to turn around for me.....*knock-on-wood*
Guess what else.....Alex told me I had a breakthrough today.I guess i did.While I was walking home I looked in a puddle and thought I looked pretty.Pretty.....hmmm..Shes exstatic.Crazy ass.
So now my friends....Im going to sip my tea,enjoy the wind combing my hair,and spend some quality time with myself.Maybe daydream a little.hehe
I just smiled.Who woulda thought?
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Sunday, March 13, 2005 i really that mean?
 You're Black. You're cruel, nasty-minded, and simply put "Evil". You're probably a really cool person to hang out with, if only because of your Great Evil. Everyone likes the badguys.
What's Your Inner Color? (anime images) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
do do dooooo
Isnt sleeping great! Man i love saturdays.(Inuyashas on tonight WHOOP!!!) But unfotunately i will be spending today inside.Oh yah, I pissed my mom off i follow the rules.Just got back from a half hour walk.She hasnt even noticed yet.Inspired me too write you will sit and listen.
Mom and dad can make the rules,
And certain things forbid,
But I can make them wish,
That they never had a kid...
Thankyou, thankyou... *bows* -ice
p.s. take a lookies at these...

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Friday, March 11, 2005
hey guys,
Im kinda going crazy....I really,really,really miss my love.But i got word from him today so im feeling better.ummmm......
I had fun at school today! They played music in the school lunch quad.And you know how music makes us crazy...Me and ricky started running around campus and dancing.Then we played shoe football while we ran around campus.Unfortunately it was drake's shoe that was our ball so i kinda got tackled in the meantime.It was fun...but painfull...ughhh
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Greetings from dreamland....if youre not here you suck!
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Brace yourselves people.............this is scary
im home sock today.kinda got a bad luck streek going on......pffft.dont mind me.i got fired yesterday.still knida bummed.anyway heres a list i made up to determine whether or not youre a trouble maker,bad girl,or bad boy.results may vary but laughter is guaranteed.
If youre permanent record has its very own file cabinet.....
you might be a troublemaker
If you personally know the janitor and have a copy of all his work keys......
you might be a troublemaker
If you have ever "accidently" blown up the school chemistry lab once or twice....
you might be a troublemaker
If you have won a 3 against 1 fight without throwing a single punch....
you might be a troublemaker
If you know how to sweet talk the principle into beleiving youre innocent.....
you might be a troublemaker
If youre mom has ever screamed at you from down the street "GO AHEAD AND RUN!!! YOU GOTTA COME HOME SOMETIME!"
you might be a troublemaker
If you have ever punched the head off your school mascot...
you might be like Shinobi...i mean a troublemaker...
If you have catch phrases like, "I dont break the rules..i just bend them a little..." or "I dont make the rules i just break em"
you might be a troublemaker
if you have lost count of how many times youve been to the office.
you might be a troublemaker
If every office attendant knows you by youre first name and asks "whatcha in for now?" or "so hows youre momma doin these days?"
you might be a troublemaker
If you refer to suspensions as vacations.
you might be a troublemaker
If you have perfected the "bambi eyes" or "innocent smile" or can cry on cue.
you might be a troublemaker
If you use your art class time to draw up the latest-n-greatest plans for revenge,a scam,or a prank.
you might be a troublemaker
If youve ever gotten fired on your day off.
your just pathetic
If your backpack has a secret compartment and is filled with..."necessities"
you might be a troublemaker
If a staggering amount of guys or girls follow you around for no apparent reason...
you might be a trouble maker
If something happens its your ass the principle hunts down first...
you might be a troublemaker
If youve ever broken into your locker because you were too lazy to do the combination....
you might be a troublemaker
If the police dont even bother to chase you just grab the tazer or beanbag gun instead.
you might be a troublemaker
Every authority figure you know has your mom on speedial.
you might be like me
*whistles innocently* WHAT?
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