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caring for abused dogs and rehiblitating them.
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Inuyasha,and Teen Titans
Become a veterinarian,be uniqe every day,make a friend
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| Ice Angel Nikita
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

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Monday, November 29, 2004
The Loner
She walked into the party,
The light shining off her hair,
She prayed for some acknowledgement,
But no one seemed to care,
She sighed with dissapointment,
And smoothed her small black dress,
She walked over to a corner,
Who she was no one could guess,
Sadly she watched them dancing,
Swaying and rocking to the beat,
Her beautiful green eyes brimmed with tears,
Just one person she wanted to meet,
A popular boys eyes fell on the corner,
And saw the most lovely girl hed ever seen,
He stood there slighty awestruck,
Could this girl be a dream,
Slowly he made his way through the crowd,
His eyes on nothing but her,
The mysterious girl looked so sad,
The party around him started to blur,
She slowly started to walk out,
Her hopes of a friend went away,
He desperately tried to get to her,
No longer could she stay,
In desperation he cried out,
But she was to far away to hear,
He saw one last look of her lovely face,
Then she dissapeered,
He stood broken on the dancefloor,
He vowed one day he would find her,
The loaner was never seen again,
So always be nice to the girl in the corner....
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Friday, November 26, 2004
im sooo weird.......
Heres a little about me...
Eyes- Green and gold
Hair- Dark blonde,shoulder length
Height- 5 feet 6 inches
Body- Full figured
Social Life- grade A loner
Sports- archery,shooting,swimming
School- A and B grades
Favorite Season- Winter
Favorite Place-Up high in a tree
Favorite Food-Shrimp,strawberries,
tacos,ramen,steak,cherry pie
Favorite Animal-To many to name
Favorite Elements-Ice and Water
Im very shy and like my privacy.I prefer animals to people and parties
are like a death sentance.People often dont know quite what to think of me and treat me like a mystery that needs to be solved.But underneath all my shyness im funny,cool,laid back,smart,and am very passionate.If you manage to become my friend your very lucky.
Im very protective and will be there
if you need me.Im told i give good advice and am great to talk to.Im not weird,i just like my privacy.
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Come out of your box people!Theres a whole other world out there!
For you uneducated people out there
who do not know who StrongBad or
Foamie is (sigh) here are the sites where they live!!
StrongBad (go to sb e-mail)
Foamie (warning: vulgar language and more!)
p.s. The Foamie card cult isnt a real cult! its just a stupid club where you trade cards and stuff...
Foamie Rules!
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