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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
that really doesn't look like me... now that i think about it , it looks alot like something my sis would wear
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that doesn't sound 2 bad
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oh ya u all adore me... keep those compliments comin
 You would be a Griffin! Half eagle, half lion. Your the noble, proud and powerful legend. Everyone admires you!
What kind of mystical creature would you be? (( ..-.. for girls ..-.. )) brought to you by Quizilla
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if thats how i'll look then i'll probaly remind people of Christmas
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Try and stay part of the 2% don't do Pot
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
Thats me the most Loyal BITCH you'll ever see
 You're a Samurai! True, loyal and honesty are your main interests as a friend.
Which FFX-2 Dress Sphere are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Take this quiz or poo will fly
 Your a monkey:
Brown, fuzzy, extremely hyper and a poo flinger!
Your the POO FLINGING MASTER!!!!!!!!! You never sit still and love playing pranks! Although not quite so fuzzy as you should be I guess your great aim makes up for it! ^o_o^
=^_^= What fuzzy animal are you? =^_^= {-With Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
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hey i'm cute and Fuzzy(this Quiz is so funny u hav 2 take it)
 Your a Panda:
Cute, often hyper and naturally fluffy!
Aww....your so cute!!!! -Hands you some bamboo- Your so lovable and adorable when people see you they want a hug. But your probably napping in a tree where they can't reach you. ^_^
=^_^= What fuzzy animal are you? =^_^= {-With Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
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thats me ...all pure of heart and that kind of stuff
 Fun loving, childish, innocent and pure
You are a sprite of the Air: Fun loving and childish your naive nature only enhances how truly cute you are! You may come off as too childish but only because your not burdened with all the rules and regulations of adulthood. You are carefree most of the time spending your days playing tag or naming all the clouds you see in the sky. You are generally kind to everyone because you have lots of love and happiness to share! Making friends comes easy because they strive for the innocence you possess but be careful, being as nice and kind hearted as you are people will try to manipulate your nature if they have not already. Don't ever let anyone mold you to their standards although I doubt anyone could.
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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Air is so Totally my element ,if not it's got to be earth
 Your element is Air: Carefree, lovable, fun and childish. Arent you cute! Your just full of childhood spunk and happiness! Hey who said being young was a bad thing? You have a keen understanding of whats good in life and choose to remain happy rather than get too upset over things. Life is fun, who wants to be troubled by grown-up problems? Being as capable of love as you are you will make a wonderful parent if and when you choose to grow up. Love is a mystery because you only want friends not love interests, games are better than relationships with the opposite sex. You have what everyone is searching for, that so called 'fountain of youth' deep inside. You can come across as naive and childish at times. But who cares what they think, lets go play tag!
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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