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myOtaku.com: icebox270534

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

L O V E ___ B E R R I S H ! _________ designed by Chibi Graphics

Eternal Hiatus...

Hy! How about a strawberry? But first...
Lory left forever... Only I stand here alone, guarding this place as she asked me to. But luckly she will still submit, her work here, on The Otaku! Please visit her portofolio, I promise you won't be dissapointed!
And Lory asked me to say "Thank you!" to all the wonderfull people she met here during this lovely years!

Where am I now?

May, 9th 2008 17:55 PM

Currently working on: Some new wallpapers.
Latest great movie seen: Might not be my latest, but it's worth mentioning "The comunist raid" ( translation from: "Marele jaf comunist"). Conclusion: romanian directors rock!
Latest album downloaded: Maria Rita ~ Maria Rita (genre: brazilian jazz)
Latest books bought: "Written on the body" by Jeanette Winterson & "Yours sincerely, Surik" by Ludmila Ulitkaia
Latest book read: "Time traveler's wife" ~ Audrey Niffenegger. Conclusion: dought at first I tought I made a wrong choice, it turn out to be a really great book.
Latest great events: My life is boring at the time, no great events for now.
Latest mundane events: This week's tests, furture predictions indicate low marks.
Future plans: Comment more on posts, I know you all hate my laziness!

Peace and luff,


Design � Amy von Chibi Graphics
Texturen � Shizoo und Amy
Picture � Haruta Nana


Another post...

Icon of the day:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Current mood: Relaxing...
Music mood: Sailor Stars Music Collection ~ Kaze mo, Sora mo, Kitto (instrumental version)
Current time: 6:39 PM
Current date: 3rd October 2006

Hy everybody! Like the new theme? You must be bored already, no? Yes, I'm trying to scare you so you won't visit my site anymore!
No! No! It's just a little joke! Please keep coming to my site!
And thank you all for the kind comments!
Well this theme reflects my romantic side...
And the song I'm listening know too! I love the Sailor Stars ending!*imagines her and the future love of her life dancing on this song in a big ball room*
Well I guess you all been wondering how my Sunday went... or not!
I'm going to tell you anyway!
I finally met my best friend's boyfriend. Well it went really good..., but ...
I have to get this off my thoughts....
Well he is cute and all, but surely not my type!How can I explain better? He is a nice guy and he treats her really well, that's the most important thing to me, but I have a strange feeling about him.... My mom sais I have good intuition when it comes of figuring out a person's true character... And all I can say is that by talking to him and watching his gestures, well I had this funny feeling of rejection, mixed a little with horror and care...
I guess it's because I want to see my friend happy, I don't want her to get hurt...
School is keeping me busy, so this week I guess I won't be able to post so often...
I'm off know...
Take care everybody! Good luck at school and have a nice week!

Lyrics of the week:
"Even though we've acted selfishly, and we've had petty arguments
I never thought the day we couldn't be together would ever come for us

Now I am all by myself
Tied to the night, wanting to be with you
All my lines of words, now they just do not reach you anymore

That day, after it, I'm running
When we can open all our feelings up to each other
The wind, the sky, still
Wrapped around us, alone together"
("Kaze mo, Sora mo, Kitto" ~ "The wind, the sky, always")

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