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Thursday, August 18, 2005
For Karena
Go ahead pick one karena!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I saw one of my dogs with a dead rat in it's mouth and I screamed so he dropped it. I stared at it, its stomach was ripped and there were crisom drops of blood rolling down it's chest. It was horrible I saw it twitching as it died. I couldn't do anything! I feel bad I'm going to type some more of my story...
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My Quizilla Story
If you look under my Inuyasha Punk Rocker 4 Life Badge you'll see a link to My Quizilla Story. It's called I like the new guy AND my best friend?! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee go or I'll have stuff...ooooooo Bet your scared!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Green Day!
I got....FLOOR TICKETS TO A GREEN DAY CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The concert is on 9-10-05. The first saturday after school starts! How freaking sweet is that?! School could suck azz but I won't care I got Green Day Tickets!
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I'm so freaking bored! *sigh*. No dreams! Ummmm....bored bored bored bored boooooored....oh right I'm still mkaing Inuyasha Punk Rocker 4 Life stuffz!
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Monday, August 15, 2005
I had the comments off this whole time XD. Well I put them on now so comment away ppl! <.< Your not commenting! >.>
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I'm soooo bored....I feel like all empty inside >_<. I'm getting mad since Anthony still hasn't come back oh wellz hopefully I can go to the movies tommorow and get my mind off things!
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
I'm at my dad's house right now but I'll be home in a bit I'm just updating for the sake of updating so byez!
PS: I Finished reading Hichikers guide to the galaxy and I saw the moive. It was lame >_< .Book sooooooooooooooo much better!
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Friday, August 12, 2005
I had a nightmare >_<....grrr... Well newayz here it is:
I was at this concert thing with my brother and I had fake dog ears and tail and so did he o_O. We got into a fight and we took are dog ears and tails off because people were laughing at us and we heard someone screaming so we ran into this weird apartment building and we were somehow on top of the building's staircase (still inside)and we looked outside a window and people were being killed by zombies so we got scared and then there was one above us (on the staires) and so we ran and I jumped over the railing and I told my brother to do the same but he didn't make and the zombie killed him.... So I kept running and There was this line for a carrige and so I ran for it but the zombie that got my brother was coming after me so I jumped the railing again to get into the line. Then there was another zombie so I kinda jumped out of the line because is was getting into the line but I slid back in at the last minute and got in. It wasn't a carrige though it was just a line of people holding onto to metal bars and chains I got into the back so there was a bar in front of me and chain behind me and there was a middle aged man in front of me and he told me to hold on tight and we started running and for some reason I had to hold on tighter then everyone else cuz I wasn't supposed to be there (the middle aged man was supposed to be the last one I guess). So we kept running and we ran by carnege and things like that. We Somehow turned around so I was at the Begining and there was a guy with a orange/yellow jacket in front of me and he came out of the weird metal chain thign we were all in and I ran after him really fast with everyone else behind me and he jumped into a limo and started cherring as they rode off to the right of me and I was going to run after him but only ran like two steps before I stopped and the middle aged man behind me told me they were going towards then (the zombies. I asked him if I did a good job running and he said yes. So we just kept walking forward we got to this mound thing that didn't go over are heads. We calmed down and walked and there people around us and we heard screaming and gun shots so we all ducked under the mound thing and I looked over at there was zombies on a hill kinda far away fron the mound and they had guns so I said...oh shit and I was at the back of the line right now for some reason and I said run!!! While we were running the middle aged man got out and sat on a rock and I could tell he was changing into a zombie so I wispered bye.. to him and kept going and there was this building with double doors so we ran in there and the doors locked behind us and I got out and ran around I ran to the same place twice but I finally got to this place that had people sitting infront of a tv and I figured out we were in a hospital. So I went to the right and went inside a bathroom. I changed and walked out and heard My science teacher (Ms. Runions) and she was talking to baby who was a guess hers and she said "You are the first in my family who was born imune to (some disease starting with O) and that means you are OO+ (double o positive)." I ignored them and went back to were the people in front of the tv were sitting and I said I guess I might as well tell you that the zombies can use guns. Right after I said that there was a gun shot and a scream and they looked to me ( there was like 4 of em all guys sitting on the floor) so I layed down by them and said Well I'm going to wake up now bye! and closed my eyes. In my dream it felt like I woke up and I looked around and went to were Ms. Runions was and heard her talking to her baby so I went back to were the people in front of the tv were and went to the window behind them and opened it and everything looked ok. I told them to change the channel, they were watching cartoons, to the news and the news was normal but I was like wait...and really woke up. That's it! Well Goodbyez!
O_O I wrote alot....
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Heh...Yeah I updated so wat you wanna fight about it? Bah I don't care I'm think of turning this thingy into a dream diary thingy (Shows what impact the summer had on my brain...dream diary thingy >_< ) sooo I'm just going to say goodbye then byez!
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