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myOtaku.com: icecream0626

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I had a weird dream today again ^_^. Once again I don't remember how it starts but the first thing I remember is my step-dad, mom, brother, and I all dressed up in brady bunch outfits and were going to go do a concert.Well were in a car and were driving and we stop by a movie theater and my step-dad says that when he was younger he used to have a problem or something and would go to the movies everyday and when ever he could. So my step-dad, brother, and I are talking about are movie problems and when we ask my mom she says that she didn't have one and so my step-dad says "Wow your better then all of us".

When we get to the concert it's really weird cuz the concert is right by my living room and my family and I are all sitting at the table and my mum is throwing away some meat and for some reason I take some and was about to eat but my dad said no-no so I spit it out and threw the meat away o_O. While that was happening the real two brady parents were up on stage but they weren't singing and they kept calling the dad papa brady. When they got off my mum was tuning her voice or something cuz she kept singing "All we need is love love love". They thought that my step-dad and my mum were the real brady brunch but there two other singer couldn't sing so they wanted my brother and I to go and I'm like no way I can't sing, I can only sing ok not like the brady brunch. Then I woke up!

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