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myOtaku.com: icecream0626

Friday, September 2, 2005

   Two dreams

First one- I don't member how it began. but..ok..I'm totally lost now umm well there was this small doll thing and it thought I was his my mum. It was like

That big. Seriously,it was agirl too. It was trying to kill me. So I threw it into a oven, but the top was broken so I couldn't light her on fire or else the whole house would explode. So I took the top of a dryer and covered the whole in the oven. Right when I did that a hude explosion can from my bathroom so I got my brothers, baby cuz, and my mum out of the house. When I went back to the oven it was more like a dryer now. So I yelled into the dryer/oven "If you stop now I'll still love you umm..Pricilla, um..Chukieada...umm...."

So then she yelled back "My name's not PRICIALLA!!!!!! Then I woke up!

So it was this girl,roy fom FMA, Hawke Eye, from FMA, and I. There was a differnt world inside a chalck board o_O. Well the weird girl wasdrawing on the board and this thing was coming out of it and we were magically to!

Well she told Roy to push on it and it sucked him in so then Roy, Riza(Hawke Eye), and I we in a car in there. My name was Earthsong in there cuz I heard Earthsong....were is my father?So I was like SHIT Roy did you hear that?! He nodded and so did Riza. Well the car ride ended and Riza and Roy left. I had a bag and there was eggs in there like

that big.Well My brother was there and was helping me pur them on a coushin. Well we dropped some so we moved them and the weird girl was back and was laughing at us and saying the king was on his way. It was weird cuz by the eggs there was an undo botton. So I did that and it went back to normal o_O Well thats it byez!

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