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myOtaku.com: icecream0626

Thursday, March 30, 2006

   I need a restraining order!
Anthony was being sooooooooooooooo perverted today! We were watching To Kill a Mockingbird again and Anthony kept trying to pull my shirt up from behind me! I was like >_O WTF?! and smashed my chair into his knee then pinched his hand really hard oh and stabbed him with a pen. Might seem harsh but he tried twice. For those of you who think he needs to get suspended or something, he doesn't it's just the way Anthony is and he would never do anything like that to me truly.

Right well during gym it was total anarchy! We went outside to play lacross and it was crazy! We were split up into uneven teams and some people didn't even know what teams they were on. So we started a messed up game without going over the rules so I had to keep yelling the rules out! So eventually Anthony asked me if I wanted to run around with him for track. So we did but only ran like 3 laps since we were so tired from yesterday XD Chris ran like 14 laps! He's crazy! Alot of others joined in the running.

Angel was creeping me out today though. It might have just been my imagination but I think he was staring at me alot today. Like when ever he was "beating people up" (there guys so you know they are just playing around) he would stare at me as if I needed to give him recognation or something. Then another time he fell and he kinda stared at me and stuck out his hand and I was like <_< *takes his hands and picks him up* >_> Since Angel is totally tough enough not to need help. During lunch when Anthony left he said "Hey Miriam why don't you sit here?" and I scoted over to where he was sitting i.e. I sat closer to him o_O Well I'm hoping it's nothing.



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