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myOtaku.com: icecream0626

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

   Hello Again
Time: 3:31 PM
Mood: <"http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/3646/randomicon17yd0cl.gif">

Yeah I feel like dancing. Well my dance, Brenna you know what I'm talking bout *does Miriam and Calvin dance*

Today was awesome. Well it was ok. I have to read my essay today at like 5:45 at the History Fair. My essay is two pages long! >_O I don't wanna read the whole thing!

Today Anthony took Michelle's cellphone and took a..umm...inappropriate video. He told me and I was like O_O AHHH!! She's going to kill you! I have no idea if she has watched it yet -.-;;

Today was overall a good day. Angel almost killed me though because I said he molested Anthony but Michelle saved me! Yay!!

Heh, Well Toodles!

2 More Days In Till Spring Break!/u>


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