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| IceEnchantress
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Wow, my post is ridiculously long already, and I haven't even begun to tell you about the day of the party. Well, my two lovely, faithful, wonderful dogs woke me up bright and early... apparently there had been an "intruder" in the yard and they wouldn't shut up until someone let them out to investigate. So I visited a couple people, not everyone, and then got back to getting ready. I played phone tag with Rowan for a little before we made contact. She was my ride yesterday. Oh, and I should probably tell you what the deal is. We're planning a going-away/reunion-ish party... but the going-away part is a surprise... in fact, I've planned several surprises yesterday. I need Rowan so that I can go out and get the ice cream sheet cake I'm fronting for. I know, crazy. Anyhow, she got lost, and then she was
We took longer (far longer) than I planned to get to laser tag. We played two games, and went crazy... It was Mission Impossible gone wild. Actually, for someone who sucks, I did pretty good. I got fourth place out of twenty one the first came and second place out of about seventeen the second game... It was so fun... I felt like James So after the game, after a funky series of events, we ended up at my house with the surprise party... (It was like park-house-park-house for like twenty minutes) At this point, we had set up the surprise party for Sailor Thunder (Yeah, this is the one I've been on edge about for the last few entries), and she was dumbstruck. I mean, she didn't even know what the surprise was for at first. Yeah, as much as I get mad at her, she's one of my best friends. Okay, yeah, we generally had a blast. We had ice cream cake, brownies, pizza, and about a million other things. Group that was here? Well, It included Rowan, DemonAma (my old friend from dA), BB, our bro and his friend, the guy who voiced Ninja Lad, a bunch of random people, Gothic Princess, and Blondie, the "token blonde" of our group of friends. Nurse Raine couldn't make it T-T. Dude, I'm worried I missed somebody in my
Why did we throw a party for Sailor Thunder? Well, she got this awesome internship to Disney World. She's leaving for five months, and her party that her parents are throwing for her, is on a day I'm out of town. So yeah, of course I was initially throwing this without knowing about that last bit. In any case, I wanted to do something nice for her before she left. It seems like she's happy enough about it.
Right now, Rowan and Sailor Thunder are signing the tunes of High School Musical. I'm just dozing off here, but I figured everyone would like to hear about my awesome day. Well, later!
![]( Look at me! I can twirl a cane! WHEE!
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